Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Morris Announces

Margaret Morris, First Ward councilmember and majority leader, has released the following statement announcing her intention to run for Common Council president.

I am running for Common Council President for the 2026 Term. I have served on the Common Council as First Ward representative for three years. I was elected Majority Leader in 2024 and again in 2025. During my time on the Council, I have shown myself to be detail oriented and pragmatic. As a committee chair, I encourage open discussion and provide committee members with pertinent information so that their decisions are informed and are the result of a democratic process. As Council President, that will be my leadership style. Under the current leadership, the Council is not addressing the long-term financial health of the City. Under my leadership we will be accountable to the people of Hudson and will address issues of importance to Hudson residents. I believe it is time for new leadership on the Common Council and that I can provide that leadership.
Fiscally Responsible:
    • We are facing a climate of uncertainty with Federal grants, contracts, and payments, and it is imperative we have local leadership focused on minimizing our fiscal risk and exposure. This responsibility is not solely our Treasurer’s responsibility. I attend the legislative meeting of NYCOM (New York Conference of Mayors) every year. At the most recent meeting, a representative from the National League of Cities presented information on the potential impact of current Federal funding freezes on municipalities. I shared this information with the Treasurer and the full Council. As Council president I will ensure that I continue to stay up to date on State and Federal actions that have an impact for our City and will share that information with the Council.
    • I attended all the City of Hudson’s Board of Estimate and Apportionment meetings since 2021 and have developed a detailed understanding of our budget. I am concerned that this City of under 6,000 is spending itself into an untenable position, with no serious efforts to address revenue growth.
    • As a property owner in the City of Hudson, I am aware of the tax burdens of fellow middle-class property owners.
Approach to Leadership:
    • My approach is collaborative, fair, and inclusive. All committee members are heard. Members of the public are listened to. Decisions and recommendations from my committees are based on informed consensus. Under my leadership at the Council decisions will be made on an informed basis.
Common Committee Work
Legal Committee–Chair (2022 to present)
    • Reduced the speed limit within the City to 25 MPH
    • Worked with the community and local businesses to revise Formula Retail code
    • Lead the committee in working with our counsel to draft local laws and changes to our code
    • Brought the ward boundaries into compliance with 2020 census with minimal disruption to residents
Truck Committee–Chair (2022 to present)
    • Successfully passed resolution to remove through truck traffic from the 9G–Columbia Street corridor
Finance Committee–Member (2024 to present)
    • Work with committee members and Treasurer in reviewing City revenues and expenditures on a monthly basis
    • Have attended all Board of Estimate and Apportionment meetings since 2021. I believe it is critical to understand the details behind the budget
As Majority Leader, I also serve on the Hudson Industrial Development Agency and the Hudson Community Development and Planning Agency.
Professional Bio and Contact Information
For 25 years in my professional capacity as a Senior Director in health care, I managed multiple multimillion-dollar state Medicaid contracts.
When not working for the City of Hudson, I enjoy reading, knitting, and feeding my cat, whose name is Cat. I also like crossword puzzles.
Questions/comments regarding my campaign can be sent to morrisforhudson@gmail.com.


  1. One year ago at a council meeting, Morris complained to the police chief that the new Stewart's corner was missing the NO RIGHT ON RED sign that was there before the change. TWICE, at separate meetings! She described in detail the problem that she saw while driving there at the light waiting to turn onto Green from Fairview. TWICE! Then she came back and told the council that DPW had told her that the intersection was safe without the sign and THAT THERE WAS NO SAFETY ISSUE FOR drivers turning off of Fairview onto Green on a red light because it had been made that way by engineers even though nothing new had been done since the change was made AND since Margaret made her plea to get the sign back AFTER SEEING THE INHERENT HAZARDS OF TURNING RIGHT ON RED OFF OF FAIRVIEW. She ended by telling the council that the matter of the missing NO TURN ON RED sign was over.
    This is leadership? This is just dumb!

  2. To paraphrase The Wire: If you look up "public servant" in a dictionary, you'll find a picture of Margaret.

    I can't think of anyone better to help steer Hudson through some truly hideous and volatile years ahead.

  3. What wonderful news! After a depressing morning reading the national news I now have a smile on my face. I can’t imagine anyone better suited to lead Hudson out of the back room guid pro quo arrangements the current city leaders operate under. Go Margaret!

  4. Refreshing news indeed! Margaret is a steadfast advocate for her constituents in the first ward. She always answers and follows up on concerns brought to her. She’s pragmatic, does her homework and shows great attention to detail. And most important: she lives in reality!
