Friday, February 7, 2025

News of the Hudson Farmers' Market

Minutes ago, the Hudson Farmers' Market shared this good news: The Hudson Farmers' Market is now officially a year-round market! The announcement continued:
We had our annual meeting with the Vendor Collective, and everyone seems to be in agreement that this one-time experiment worked. . . . So, going forward, we'll be in operation for the entire year except the Saturday after Christmas.
And, if you didn't know, we are an entirely vendor-run market. Each Vendor Collective member (we have 30 of them!) has equal voting power and say in the direction of our market.
So when we get the Collective together for our yearly meeting, we talk through a number of things:
    • economics and feedback of the previous year
    • new products from our Vendor Collective members
    • initiatives, advertising, and community events for the current year
    • new vendors we're welcoming into the Collective
    • guest vendors we're giving spaces to
Why is it important to share this with you? Each farmers' market is unique in its governing structure--we have a "to each their own" attitude. This is what works for us and makes sense for us. We are truly a ground-up effort, not a top-down model. . . . We are a farmers' market for farmers.

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