This picture was taken from the little grassy hill between the parking lot for the boat launch and the railroad tracks, because the work on the buildings combined with the work in the street connected with the new wastewater treatment plant prohibited access from any other point. Since this is the view of Hudson Terrace--indeed of Hudson--from the river, it would have been nice if they'd wired the buildings for cable and prohibited tenants from attaching satellite dishes to the exterior, but ours is not a perfect world--far from it.
Avacado green, harvest gold, coppertone & poppy - yes I remember them well - sold them in my dads store in the mid 70's - white was so passe - the economy was such that when one appliance was replaced with a color all the appliances were changed to match.
ReplyDeletePoppy was most unpopular.
The Sulgrave apartment complex on Broadway in White Plains, NY circa 1954 had all PINK appliances! Maybe they got them for free - haven't seen any since in 43 years of Real Estate work. Ruth Moser
ReplyDeleteI agree with 95 percent of what you write, but geeze, you want to tell poor people how they watch television? Think of things from someone else's point of view. Would you want someone mandating that you only get internet from Verizon. That's the statement you made, except you made it as a person of means "mandating" (OK, suggesting) that people without means do what you say. And God help us all if these people without means lived on Warren St. above retail space!
ReplyDelete"it would have been nice if they're wired the buildings for cable and prohibited tenants from attaching satellite dishes to the exterior"
ReplyDeleteI took our host as *suggesting* that the THEY in question, they who would do the prohibiting, are Evergreen themselves. In fact, THEY already prohibit certain practices not required by the city code.
The actuality is that *their* rules are routinely broken by residents, so what could possibly be the difference of their adding one more? (e.g., animals are not permitted, but that doesn't stop anyone).
Although I truly appreciate Anonymous's concern for our - and anyone's - freedoms, here the supposition seems to be that the particular community in question owes nothing to the community at large.
That consideration goes right to the heart of two opposing philosophies, which Anonymous appears to want to bridge.
There is the implied Libertarianism which would defend a person's right to have any sort of TV they wanted, but there is also the implied entitlement of the community in question to live free of restrictions and obligations.
The latter is a very different kind of argument for not putting claims on individuals and groups. Indeed, it becomes a reverse obligation which the larger community must now endure in order to accommodate the unrestricted, subsidized entitlements of the few.
(For the record, I do know of at least one Hudson Terrace resident who "gives back," by volunteering time and know-how to various activities throughout the city. We have volunteered together.)
But again, I didn't take the blogger to be suggesting that the municipality should have imposed such regulations. I think what our host was saying was that in a more perfect world citizens might already share a common sense of proportion and responsibility.
Nowadays we're meant to apologize for such sentiments, which seems to be an unending ritual that "Anonymous" demands to preside over.
T. O'Connor
Is the purpose of living in a community for the leaders to dumb down to it's lowest common denominator or pull everyone up to a higher standard of living ?
ReplyDeleteI agree with Carole and T., not Anonymous. The term wired is rather ambiguous. Ultimately it might be best that all domiciles be "wired" so that a customer could buy into any service provider.
ReplyDelete"Is the purpose of living in a community for the leaders to dumb down to it's lowest common denominator or pull everyone up to a higher standard of living?"
ReplyDeleteThis is a false dichotomy, leaving aside the idea of "purpose" (whose purpose?).
And don't most leaders actually follow? The best leaders usually have a sixth sense for where the electorate is headed, and they get there in time to articulate what enough of voters can't articulate for themselves. (That's straight Michael Oakeshott.)
Isn't it usually the case that too much emphasis is placed on what a leader can do for us? If their talent lies in discerning the drift of things, the opportunity is ours to set the drift.
Ask not what your alderman can do for you, but what you can do ...
I'm glad that Chad agrees with the above, although I know little about any kinds of wires.
T. O'Connor
I've not paid enough attention to Hudson Terrace to have noticed the satellite dishes, but I have often wished the whole of our town was not canopied with unsightly wires. There are so many, I can't help but think some aren't even still in use, but simply have been "left behind." For me, the wires detract from Hudson's beauty.
ReplyDeleteWhich brings me to a different (but somewhat related) subject. Had anyone heard about Google's ultra-high speed broadband networks for rural areas? Unfortunately the date for application has passed, and I'm not sure our area fully met the criteria, but a network like this could attract businesses and jobs beneficial to our city. (I see that Ulster County applied.)
Don't know that such a network would eliminate satellite dishes and wires, but I know the future holds a world without such unsight-lies. Yea!