Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Déjà Vu All Over Again?

Today's Register-Star has an update on Tim Shook's efforts to organize a not-for-profit focused on "bringing jobs back to Hudson": "Shook continues to work on job-creation organization." It will be remembered that during the battle against the cement plant, Tim Shook played a large role in the Hudson Valley Environmental/Economic Coalition (HVEEC), the phony "grassroots" organization that advocated for the plant and was eventually exposed as being funded by St. Lawrence Cement (now Holcim US). Among other things, HVEEC periodically sent out six-by-nine full-color glossy post cards bashing the opposition to the plant. This is a memorable one. 

The article tells us that Shook is "especially interested in Congressman Chris Gibson’s support for locating nuclear power plants north and south of Albany and lauds this as a viable industry for Columbia County." Here's the déjà vu part. Dan Odescalchi, who is now the PR person for Congressman Gibson, was for several years the chief spokesman for SLC's "Greenport Project." It was Odescalchi who eventually had to admit that HVEEC, which ceased to exist as soon as the "Greenport Project" was defeated, had been funded by SLC. Could it be that Shook is hoping for a similar arrangement for his new Hudson Valley Common Sense organization with some would-be developer of a nuclear power plant? 

Thanks to Sam Pratt for the image of the HVEEC post card.

1 comment:

  1. It's good to be reminded of the battles fought during the years 1998-
    2005. Well I remember the postcards from HVEEC and prior to that the postcards from St. Lawrence Cement touting their jobs and what a good neighbor they would be. We forget what an everyday presence the threat of the cement plant was. It would probably not be possible to remount the retrospective Exhibition of those years which Sam organized with, Lord forbid, TSL. That was an amazing show. Between Don Christiansen's Seeing the South Bay show at the Opera House and the Friends of Hudson Retrospective at TSL - what a mountain of work and involvement was documented. I would wish that new arrivals in Hudson since 2005 could see those shows.
