Below we continue the retrospect of Hudson during the year of 1913.--The list has been carefully prepared only most important changes, improvements, etc., being cited. However, there may have been a few accidentally omitted, and in each case we should be pleased to receive information of same. The retrospect started on the afternoon of January 2, and should be saved for future reference:
Charles E. Joslen & Son purchased business of William Lawrence, which was formerly conducted by the late Joseph O'Rourke. [According to the 1912 Hudson directory, O'Rourke & Beauregard had a cafe at 409 Warren Street.]
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Courtesy Historic Hudson |
The "H" branch of Union mills had motors installed to run it, power being furnished by A. S. company.
Lawrence Martin retired from Hudson police department after twenty years service.
Arthur Van de Carr sold to Arthur Stacy property on Union street. [In 1912, according to the Hudson city directory, Arthur Van de Carr and Arthur Stacy were partners in a carpentry and building business located at 323 Union Street, where Van de Carr also resided.]
Improvements made to interior of Coons' cafe on Gifford Place. [Sterling C. Coons was the proprietor of the Dewey Hotel, located at 704 Gifford Place. When the Gifford family was preeminent in Hudson, what is now called Columbia Street, between Sixth Street and Park Place, was called Gifford Place.]
B[erkshire] & A[lbany] made shift of tracks at Public Square, making various other improvements in its yards.
John Lenahan embarked in carpentry business for himself, after being with Lyman Simmons four years.
Sanitary Inspector Armstrong took up quarters on second floor of City Hall building. [In 1913, City Hall was the building we now know as the Hudson Opera House. The second floor is the auditorium, and one wonders where in this space the Sanitary Inspector's office was located.]
Rouse & Co., hardware dealers, discontinued business on Warren street. [Rouse & Co. was located at 319 Warren Street, now the dining room of the Red Dot.]
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Courtesy Red Dot |
Charles A. Carpenter, laundryman, erected large brick laundry in rear of 456 Diamond street on property formerly occupied by John N. Dyer. [This large brick laundry is no more.]
William Tiel erected residence on Clinton street, below Fifth.
Bresky building, corner Warren street and City Hall place, remodeled, one apartment on first floor being occupied by Gates' confectionery store. [It seems the Bresky building is where Ca' Mea is now located.]
Numerous improvements made to Cedar Park cemetery.
Emil Moskovitz made various improvements to the interior of his store on South Front street. [Emil Moskovitz's shoe store was located at 22 South Front Street.]
Contract between and the Mohawk Division of the Humane society for licensing dogs renewed.
Property adjourning [sic] premises of Arthur Daley, on Robinson street, sold to Fred Christianna by Max Levine. [Arthur Daley lived at 225 Robinson Street.]
Coon & Petry leased store, Columbia and Eighth streets, remodeling it to demonstrate automobiles. Later occupied by George Cook, who again embarked in meat business. [The retail space used for automobiles and then meat is now Stoddard Corner Bookshop.]
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