General Review of Many Important Developments.
Excellent evidence as to the prosperity experienced by a municipality during a year, is to learn how the places of amusement have thrived. In Hudson the theatres, especially the Playhouse, had a better year in 1913, than the previous one, we understand. The high grade productions were maintained by the Playhouse management and this theatre continued to reflect credit upon the city.
From Historic Hudson: An Architectural Portrait |
Below we continue the retrospect of various changes, improvements, etc.:
Frank Keller purchased of Harris Winstein, property on Union street, between Front and First streets. [According to the Hudson city directory for 1912, the residence of Harris S. Winstian (the name seems to have been misspelled in one place or the other) was 27 Union Street.]
Old Macy property on Warren street, just above Fourth, owned by C. H. Evans, improved on exterior as well as interior. [Information in the Hudson city directory suggests that the "old Macy property" was 406 Warren Street, a building that was illegally demolished at the end of 2006. It appears in the historic photograph below, behind the tree.]
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From Historic Hudson: An Architectural Portrait |
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From Historic Hudson |
J. J. Fardy opened office in Farmer's National bank building, along with the firm of Race & Rice, Mr. Fardy being engaged in the real estate business.
Resolutions adopted by Common Council to investigate Public Works Commission, number of charges having been made against that board, nothing was heard of the matter thereafter, however.
Casey property on Union street sold to John Dowling. [The Casey property was 314 Union Street.]
Henry D. Ely discontinued hotel business at river. [Henry D. F. Ely ran the Commercial Cafe at the ferry dock.]
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Courtesy Historic Hudson |
About 250 hunting licenses issued in Hudson.
James Kelly enrolled as a partner of F. A. Flick in barber business in Harder building on Warren street. [Fred Flick's barber shop was located at 542 Warren Street.]
Patterson & Malone laid half-mile water pipe for Farrand & Watson on their property in Fifth ward.
Frank McDonald purchased cigar store of Edwin Rogers, establishment being located on upper Warren street.
Fred Coon opened grocery store on North Fourth street in Eckstein's building.
A. A. Elliot, manager of Playhouse, purchased building lot on Green street.
Residence and lot at 109 North Fifth street purchased by Mrs. Daniel W. Bugel. This building was formerly occupied by the late Mrs. Mary Van Deusen Walker.
Howard Roofing company completed contract to paint tin roofs of lower Union mill.
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From Illustrated Hudson, N.Y. |
Julius Thomsen removed studio from Farmers bank building to his residence at 93 North Fifth street. [J. J. Thomsen had a music studio.]
Johnson's coal sheds at the river underwent repairs.
Jacob H. Vosburgh sold his feed business on Columbia street to P. Edwards Engel, of Ghent. Mr. Engel dying shortly after taking possession of the establishment, however. [Jacob Vosburgh's feed business was located at 729-731 Columbia Street.]
Imperial meat company, of Hudson, opened branch store in Newburgh.
Contract to decorate interior of post office with oil colors awarded to C. MacArthur.
Paul Hirchman opened clothing store at 14 South Front street.
Harry Miller had addition placed on southeasterly side of the "Graceland." Thomas Cruise did the work. [This entry appears in the 1913 Hudson city directory: "MILLER HARRY C., The Worth, 213-219 Warren." Could it be that "Graceland" refers to the General Worth Hotel?]
Board of Health instituted "Complaint Department," of which Sanitary Inspector is the head.
Tracey Mower established photograph studio at 526 Warren street, coming here from Athens.
Edgar E. Davis purchased of Emma Akens, property on Warren street, above Fifth.
Frank K. Walsh bought of Charles B. Cure, property at 213 Union street.
Efforts begun to organize Young Italian club here.
Sixty-nine liquor tax licenses issued for Hudson, 176 for the county.
Miss Metcalf secured as district nurse for Hudson.
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