Friday, January 10, 2014

Steeple Update

At the Historic Preservation Commission meeting this morning, Gossips asked about the repaired steeple on the former St. John's Lutheran Church. HPC chair, Rick Rector explained that the work done immediately after the steeple was toppled in a storm was done in an emergency situation, and it was his expectation that once the building had been stabilized and the threat to public safety eliminated, the re-creation of the steeple and spire would come before the HPC for a certificate of appropriateness. That obviously didn't happen. Craig Haigh, code enforcement officer, confirmed that the installation of the spire was done without a building permit or a certificate of appropriateness and said that he intended to look into it.


  1. No building permit?
    The more things change the more they stay the same. It's not like this construction was done during the night. One assumes no one really cares.

  2. An age old Chinese saying; easier to apologize than ask for permission...

  3. is it the angle of the photo, or is that thing crooked?

  4. Oh my. Is this an example of what could possibly go wrong with a building repair, a slap in the face to Hudson's government & citizens or just a joke? Looks like Hudson now has a leaning steeple. Is it safe to walk pass it?

  5. Awaiting the findings of "looking into it"

  6. The real problem here is that the other steeple is too large ...
