Sunday, January 14, 2018

In Memoriam: Kay Bradshaw

Gossips has learned of the passing of former Hudsonian Kay Bradshaw, who died on December 7, 2016--more than a year ago. Kay was the owner and proprietor of Quartermoon, a shop on Warren Street dealing in antiques, vintage jewelry, and other wares. She left Hudson in 2008, to retire to Raleigh, North Carolina, where she was living at the time of her death. Her obituary can be read here.


  1. Thanks, Carole, for posting this. Kay rented an apartment in our house for nearly ten years and was a sweetheart of a lady with a great eye for everything vintage, from jewelry to ties (I have a few!) Her yard sales were great fun and always well-attended. It was sad to see her leave Hudson and now she will be missed again. God bless.

  2. Thank You Carole, I’ve often wondered about Kay -as she was one of my first friends in Hudson; I frequented her wonderful little shop before I moved here, and we often commiserated when we got into eBay selling way back when- and did a couple of flea markets together, as we loved the same kind of stuff . I still have an old 1920s photo album that I bought at one of her yard sales that she had bought years before at one of my yard sales ! —all the photos in the album were of one black and white cat. Anyway, I loved her eye and her no-nonsense personality and determination. She was a very sweet, kind woman and like Peter li’ve missed her for years already...
