Meetings of Interest in the Week Ahead
Here's what's happening meeting-wise in the final week of January.
- The Common Council Fire Committee meeting for Monday, January 27, has been canceled, but the Police Committee meeting will take place as scheduled at 6 p.m. at City Hall. The Police Committee is being chaired this year by Dewan Sarowar (Second Ward) and is made up of Rebecca Wolff (First Ward), Malachi Walker (Fourth Ward), and Jane Trombley (First Ward).
- On Tuesday, January 28, the Board of the Hudson Development Corporation will hold its January meeting at noon at 1 North Front Street. It's not certain what will be on the agenda, but it is possible that Council president Tom DePietro will propose once again a change in the bylaws to make the majority and minority leaders ex officio members of the HDC board. Until about four years ago, the majority and minority leaders did sit on the HDC board, along with the mayor and the Council president, but at the end of 2015, the HDC board amended its bylaws to reduce the number of elected officials to just the mayor and the Council president. DePietro first proposed making the majority and minority leaders members of the HDC board in October 2019.
- On Wednesday, January 29, the DRI (Downtown Revitalization Initiative) Committee meets at 2:30 p.m. at City Hall. The bids for the short-term winter repair to the Dunn warehouse were opened this morning, so that stabilization project, which is being undertaken with Restore NY funds, is expected to be on the agenda.

Also, now that the master agreement with the Department of State has been signed, it is expected that the City will be moving forward with Starr Whitehouse and Arterial on the renovation and restoration of Promenade Hill and the Complete Streets enhancements to the BRIDGE District.
- On Thursday, January 30, the Columbia County Democratic Committee meets at 6 p.m. at the Martin H. Glynn Municipal Building, 3211 Church Street, in Valatie. The purpose of the meeting is to determine whom the CCDC will recommend for the position of Democratic Election Commissioner. The four candidates are Ken Dow, an attorney, who served as Democratic Election Commissioner in the early 2000s; Penny Panoulias, who is currently the secretary of the Clermont Democratic Committee; Erin Stamper, who serves as CCDC vice chair and replaced Jim Dolan as Democratic Election Specialist at the Board of Elections; and Mark Young, co-owner of Mexican Radio who from 2003 to 2014 represented Stuyvesant on the CCDC.
This should be the first Police Department meeting in a few years with a Police Commissioner in attendance. What are his duties? How is it helpful to have a commissioner who doesn't live in Hudson? Find out tonight.
ReplyDeleteThe Hudson Development Corporation meeting on Tuesday will not be acting on changes to the ByLaws. The board decided to delay ByLaw revisions until the existing Board Member vacancies have been filled. That will probably me at the March meeting.