Friday, October 28, 2022

Happening on Saturday

For the past year, the Hudson Valley Collaborative, a research, planning, and design team headed up by Kaja Kühl, has been working on a climate adaptive redesign of Henry Hudson Riverfront Park. This Saturday, October 29, at 4:00 p.m., the design and recommendations that are the result of the year-long process will be presented at the Hudson Area Library.

The design team, in collaboration with stakeholders, developed four overarching goals.
Expand the Park to include areas currently used for parking or not accessible for people.
Improve Access for people of all abilities, including direct access to the water.
Enhance Nature to improve ecological diversity and plan for nature-based adaptation to sea level rise.
Design for Inclusion--Keep the spaces flexible to allow for a diversity of programs, people and uses in the park
Regarding the expansion of the park, the executive summary provided to Gossips by Kühl explains:
Areas currently occupied by gravel parking lots will be transformed into new park green spaces for flexible uses, and Water Street will be relocated to former Franklin Street. This allows for improved pedestrian circulation in the park and connections between the upper and lower lawn area. It also offers the opportunity to create a plaza area in front of Dunn Warehouse that integrates the historic structure into the park. A new amphitheater connects the upper and lower lawn and provides seating during events.
This is proposal is a welcome development for those of us who feared the open space north of the Dunn warehouse might be sacrificed for commercial or residential development, as reported in this post from 2020: "Transformation with Little Information."

The presentation on Saturday will also include discussion of next steps toward implementation of the proposed redesign.

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