Still, William misses his old friends. So it was a wonderful bit of serendipity yesterday when, while enjoying our third walk of the day (William has spring fever and wants to be outdoors as much as possible), we came upon a woman in the 100 block of Union Street stowing a cat carrier on the passenger seat of her car. She asked about William, noting that his gait was that of an old dog. She drew my attention to a large shaggy dog sitting on the back seat of her car and told me they had figured out she was sixteen years old. The words "figured out" were the clue that her dog was a rescue, just like William. I told her William was sixteen years old, too, and she suggested that, since our dogs were the same venerable age, we should take them on a walk together the next time she visited her daughter in Hudson. I agreed that this was a great idea.
The problem is we didn't exchange names, and I didn't tell her where we lived. All the woman learned was William's name. But who knows? Maybe William's fame (and Gossips' notoriety) will be enough to steer her in our direction the next time she's in Hudson. William sure hopes so.
thanks for reminding us that dogs have friends, too