Sunday, May 22, 2016

There Was Trash in Them Woods

The Oakdale Lake Community Cleanup took place this morning.

Sarah Sterling, supervisor for the First Ward, provided Gossips with these photographs of the trash that litters the area no more. (It's the same heap from two different vantage points.)



  1. A big thank you to everyone who participated in this clean up! I am not in Hudson this weekend, or I would have myself. But I walk with my dog and young son almost every weekday, across the beach and through the woods at Oakdale. Each time, I try to come away with a few pieces of trash, though the task is much larger than my effort. I know the preschool on 6th Street have been careful young stewards of the area the past two springs, and I'm very grateful for their efforts. I've also noticed an increase of trash since fishing resumed this spring, and hope those who fish at Oakdale will be more mindful now that the area has been cleaned up. Again, huge thanks to all who did the good work! We will enjoy our Oakdale walks even more, and remain grateful.
