Sunday, May 8, 2016

What Used to Be

Once upon a time, on the site of what is now Crosswinds, there was a Gothic Revival house. Twenty years ago, it was abandoned and apparently had been for a while. The word was there had been a fire. Although many remember the house, no pictures seemed to exist to document it. Then a few days ago, Thomas S. Murphy posted this picture of the house on the Facebook page You're Probably from Hudson, NY.

The house may have been built following a pattern from one of the architecture books of Andrew Jackson Downing, Alexander Jackson Davis, Oliver P. Smith, or Samuel Sloan, or its design may have been made up by a local builder inspired by those designs, but, either way, it certainly possessed all the characteristics of pointed Gothic cottage architecture--characteristics shared by a house that survives nearby on Fairview Avenue, next door to the McDonald's.

Photo: Paul Barrett


  1. Then theres the recent disappearance of the gothic outbuilding next to McDonalds.

  2. Is the gothic house on Fairview on the historic register? Despite the strip mall and McDonald's that's a nice piece of property.
