Friday, September 29, 2017

It's Back!

Last weekend, I heard the rumor that the trash barrel on the south side of Warren near Seventh Street had been removed because it was full too often, and the Department of Public Works, tired of emptying it, just took it away. The person who told me this did so with indignation and some conviction.

I found the story hard to believe. I admit to being critical in the past about trash barrels being allowed to fill to overflowing on long holiday weekends, but I didn't think DPW would simply remove a trash barrel because it was filling up too often.

So on Wednesday I went to the Common Council Public Works Committee meeting on purpose to ask DPW superintendent Rob Perry about the missing trash barrel. He told me that it had been removed because it was broken. Then, answering a question about graffiti on metal lids of the trash barrels, he explained that repairs to trash barrels were dealt with in the winter or early spring, when DPW workers, freed from mowing lawns, paving and patching streets, installing water mains, and other projects that can only be accomplished during mild weather, can devote their time to repairing trash barrels. Based on that, I didn't imagine the trash barrel at Warren and Seventh streets would be returned to service until April or May. But, lo and behold, driving by that corner late this afternoon, I noticed that the trash barrel was back.



  1. A trash barrel in front of Incident Report on the 300 block was removed in June or July. This was reportedly due to its being overfilled with domestic trash every week. The barrel has not been replaced, though a new one was installed elsewhere on the 300 block.

  2. that is correct. tenants in one of E.G. = Galavan occupird house claim they have no access to the alley. That's no my problem, put your trash in a blue bag
    and leave it outside your own door, not your neighbours door. The DPW did remove the can for this reason.This is Perry thinking by removing it the problem will go away.

  3. In addition to the above, on the other side of the street, in front of the old food court, the trash barrel is usually full at the beginning of the weekend and overflowing onto the sidewalk by Monday morning. Always overflowing. If it can't be emptied over the weekend, perhaps they need to install another one very near by.

  4. Ergo, the City DOES simply remove a trash barrel because it fills up too often.

    1. Ergo, then parking meters should be removed from too much use.
