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Monday, October 23, 2017

Meetings This Week

There are some noteworthy meetings and events happening every day this week.

Monday, October 23
Tonight, the Common Council Police Committee meets at 6 p.m. in City Hall. It is expected that the proposed amendment to § 188-5 of the city code, which redefines the term disorderly house, will be discussed.

Also tonight, at 6:30 p.m., there is a Third Ward Reception at House Rules Cafe, 757 Columbia Street. The event is an opportunity to meet Pete Volkmann, Democratic candidate for Columbia County sheriff; Michael Chameides, who is running unopposed for Third Ward supervisor; and Calvin Lewis, who is running unopposed for Third Ward alderman.

Tuesday, October 24
Mayoral candidate Rick Rector holds a conversational community meeting in the Fifth Ward. The meeting, which is the fourth is a series of meetings Rector is holding in each of the five wards, takes place from 6 to 7:30 p.m. in the community room at Crosswinds Hudson, 15 Rogers Lane (off Harry Howard Avenue).

Wednesday, October 25
The Common Council Public Works Committee meets at 5:30 p.m. and the Common Council Legal Committee meets at 6:15 p.m. Both meetings take place at City Hall.

Thursday, October 26
The first public workshop for the Downtown Revitalization Initiative takes place from 6 to 7:30 p.m. in the cafeteria of the John L. Edwards Primary School.

This is your chance to provide input and influence the planning for "transforming the western edge of downtown into a vibrant place to live and work." 

It is a little known fact that Hudson's DRI process has a Facebook page. At present, it has only thirty followers. Click here to view it and follow it.

Unfortunately, the DRI public workshop happens at the very same time that Peter Cipkowski is presenting his talk "A Brief History of Hudson's Experience with Urban Renewal" at the Hudson Area Library.

The scheduling conflict seems particularly unfortunate given that some fear the DRI has the potential to have a transformative effect of the same magnitude on some of the same neighborhoods as urban renewal did almost a half century ago.

Cipkowski's talk, which is part of the History Room's Local History Speaker Series, begins at 6 p.m. on Thursday, October 26, in the community room at the library, 51 North Fifth Street. 

Friday, October 27
The Historic Preservation Commission is holding a public hearing on the proposal to demolish the accessory building in Cherry Alley behind 405 Warren Street and construct a new building in its place. Interestingly, photographs of the building to be demolished, taken by Bill Hellermann (top--c. 1998) and Lisa Durfee (bottom--2008), were in the exhibition No Parking: The Alleys and Garages of Hudson at the Hudson Opera House last January.

Photo: fiveanddiamondhudson|Instagram
Peter Spear, the third photographer whose work was in the exhibition No Parking, also photographed the building and his photograph was included in the exhibition as well.

The public hearing takes place at 10 a.m. on Friday in the Council Chamber at City Hall.


  1. The DRI needs to go to Peter Cipkowski's talk or arrange for PC to deliver the talk top them. Every member needs to know this history. --pm

  2. Anyone know where DRI "comments" can be submitted? A flyer with the Bridge District map and a comments area on the verso was handed out at the last meeting, but there are no directions included for submitting public comments after the meeting.

    1. So far it looks like their Facebook page is currently available:

    2. Thank you, Chad.

      Sheena was also able to assist me today.
