Monday, August 6, 2018

Meetings of Interest in the Week Ahead

It's going to be a fairly quiet week in Hudson, during the dog days of summer, but there are a few meetings you may want to venture into the heat to attend.
  • On Tuesday, August 7, the Conservation Advisory Council meets at 6 p.m. There will be a report on the current status of the street tree inventory being conducted by CAC members and volunteers. Also at the meeting, the CAC will continue its review of draft maps for the Natural Resources and Open Space Inventory. The meeting takes place at City Hall.
  • On Thursday, August 9, the Planning Board meets at 6 p.m. On the agenda is the site plan review of the lot line adjustment requested for 248 and 250 Columbia Street--a project that is also currently before the Zoning Board of Appeals. The agenda also indicates that the board will be discussing the Common Council request for a recommendation on proposed Local Law No. 5, which would "amend the zoning law with regard to conditional uses in the R2 and R2H zoning districts." This is the zoning amendment that would permit Stewart's and also Scali's to expand into adjacent lots. The meeting takes place at City Hall.
  • On Friday, August 10, the Historic Preservation Commission meets at 10 a.m. at City Hall. No agenda is available for this meeting but it is likely that the proposal to build a new residential structure on Partition Street behind 17-19 Union Street will be among the projects to be reviewed.
Although it is not a meeting, there is one more thing that should be on your calendar for this week: the First Annual Oakdale Lake Picnic, hosted by Friends of Hudson Youth and Friends of Oakdale Lake.

The picnic takes place, of course, at Oakdale Lake from 4 to 6 p.m. on Thursday, August 9. There will be hotdogs, homemade pickles, ice cream, and a preview of an exhibition called "Oakdale Past and Future" developed by the Hudson Area Library.


  1. Thanks so much for this, Carole. This is not a list of summer doldrums. These are some significant meetings (and picnics!). The Gateway Question (Stewarts & Scalis) gives us a chance to upgrade what has been Hudson's eastside entryway for the last 50 years. If done right, we can find an appropriate upgrade without demeaning the residential spirit of the place.... The new building proposed for Partition is a maginot line for Historic Preservation: will it stand up for preservation or continue to cave to the "what we don't see won't hurt us" standard of preseravation... The CAC meeting, for me, is just another reminder of how this committee was constituted and launched (a highly suspect law), but who can be against a tree inventory; my hope is that trees become a part of the Historic Preservation venue, as some of these majesterial plants are older -- and bigger -- than our oldest of houses.... And the picnic? God Bless Oakdale and what it means to thousands of our kids. --pm
