The topic of a tree ordinance came up at Wednesday night's Legal Committee meeting. Ellen Thurston, committee chair, wondered out loud about the fate of the Tree Board that was created during Dick Tracy's term as mayor (2006-2007), when Rainer Judd chaired the Public Works Committee. Legal Committee member Dick Goetz, alderman from the Fifth Ward, responded to Thurston's query, "In the first place, I don't like trees, so don't expect me to remember."
Sign the tree petition. It turns out there is still time.
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Resilience Admidst the Mud and the Muck
This Saturday, September 2, the businesses along Catskill Creek in Catskill, most of which were flooded with as much as seven feet of water by Hurricane Irene, are, in the midst of the muck and the mud, throwing themselves a party. The party is being hosted by Craig at Coney Island Ice Cream, on the creek at Bridge Street and West Main. Lex Gray and the Urban Pioneers will be performing, and there will be fireworks! Gossips isn't sure when the party begins-- fireworks suggests it's sometime at night--but a $20 donation is requested to help the creekside businesses recover from the storm.
Showcasing Hudson's Great Trees
Imagine coming across the Ferry Street bridge (if the Ferry Street bridge is ever open again) and not seeing this imposing basswood tree.
Then sign the petition to protect Hudson's heritage trees. Please sign it now. There are only EIGHT HOURS left to do so.
Then sign the petition to protect Hudson's heritage trees. Please sign it now. There are only EIGHT HOURS left to do so.
Another Must-Read
In a My View in today's Register-Star, Norman Ames Posner, trustee of the Hudson Area Library for twelve years and president of the Board of Trustees for one year of those years, apologizes to "many of the library supporters on the present decision of the new Board of Trustees to abandon the library building, its home for more than 50 years."
Not to Be Missed
W. T. Eckert has a long article in today's Register-Star about T. Eric Galloway, his partner Henry van Ameringen, and their plans for Hudson: "Galloway seeks to have impact on city." Many would argue that Galloway has already had an impact on Hudson, although it is not generally agreed that the impact has been good.
The article reveals some interesting bits of information:
Exactly what, one wonders, are they pessimistic about?
The article reveals some interesting bits of information:
- Galloway and van Ameringen are establishing a foundation dedicated to Hudson, which will be headquartered in 400 State Street, now the Hudson Area Library.
- General Worth's birthplace (211 Union Street), the Robert Taylor House (which the article refers to as the "Dutch House"), and 400 State Street "will be among the buildings held by Galloway and Van Ameringen's Foundation"--in perpetuity--although it is not clear, except for 400 State Street, for what purpose.
- Galvan Partners recently bought the Little League baseball field on Hudson Street for $60,000 from the Hudson Elks Club, "which was in need of resources to operate their organization," and made a commitment to fund the operation of the field for the next ten years.
- Galloway and van Ameringen see their work in Hudson as having three parts, which Galloway describes in the article in this way: "We know it is going to have the historic buildings or the social and architecturally significant buildings, which we will keep in perpetuity for the benefit of Hudson. [So far, those are General Worth's birthplace, the Robert Taylor House, and 400 State Street.] And we know that we will continue to develop or improve properties that will have a positive impact on the vibrancy of the streets and neighborhoods of Hudson. The third element is to contribute and support local organizations who provide services to the residents of Hudson and that will be through direct contributions though [sic] non-profit organizations."
Exactly what, one wonders, are they pessimistic about?
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
News of Greene County
The most comprehensive news about the state of things across the river in Greene County and elsewhere in the Catskills is available from the Watershed Post.
Gossips has received word that a benefit is being planned to aid people on the mountaintop--in Windham, Hensonville, Maplecrest, and elsewhere--for Friday, September 2, in Cairo. Read about it in the Catskill Daily Mail or hear about at on WGXC.
Swept Away!
While Katrin Hecker of Animalkind was busy orchestrating the rescue of animals stranded during Hurricane Irene and saving the twenty-five special needs animals sheltered at her home on Catskill Creek, floodwaters swept away a barn on her property that housed all the vintage clothing collected for this year's Project Catwalk, Animalkind's major fundraising event.
Only six weeks before the event is scheduled to happen, the organizers of Project Catwalk are trying to rebuild collection of fashion so that the fundraiser can go forward as planned. They are appealing to everyone to search their closets for funky high-end fashion that can be transformed into the magical ensembles that will be paraded down the runway and auctioned off at Catwalk. To remind yourself of the kind of thing they seek and how wonderful this fashion show and auction is, check out Gossips coverage of last year's Catwalk.
Fashion contributions should be delivered to Animalkind at 721 Warren Street in Hudson.
Only six weeks before the event is scheduled to happen, the organizers of Project Catwalk are trying to rebuild collection of fashion so that the fundraiser can go forward as planned. They are appealing to everyone to search their closets for funky high-end fashion that can be transformed into the magical ensembles that will be paraded down the runway and auctioned off at Catwalk. To remind yourself of the kind of thing they seek and how wonderful this fashion show and auction is, check out Gossips coverage of last year's Catwalk.
Fashion contributions should be delivered to Animalkind at 721 Warren Street in Hudson.
Take the Challenge!

Not to Be Missed
Scott Baldinger reports on his blog that Indian food may be returning to Kennedy Fried Chicken: "Hopeful Sign." If Asif Qazi, the owner of Kennedy's, who's going to be making the food, reads Gossips, let it be known that Gossips seconds the request to include palak paneer among the menu offerings.
Showcasing Hudson's Great Trees
Imagine the square in front of the Columbia County Courthouse without this gnarled and venerable locust tree.
Then sign the petition to protect Hudson's heritage trees. The goal is to get 50 more signatures on the petition in the next 34 hours. If you haven't already signed it, please sign it now.
Then sign the petition to protect Hudson's heritage trees. The goal is to get 50 more signatures on the petition in the next 34 hours. If you haven't already signed it, please sign it now.
Grim Reports about Greene County
In Hudson, the shacks at the Furgary Boat Club were flooded and Henry Hudson Riverfront Park was underwater, but, for the most part, Hudson suffered no major damage from Hurricane Irene. The same can hardly be said for communities across the river. This story from yesterday's New York Times gives a sense of the terrible devastation in Greene County: "In Catskill Communities, Survivors Are Left With Little but Their Lives."
Monday, August 29, 2011
More Images from the Day After
Two different Gossips readers contributed these pictures. The first shows the water receding from the haul road through South Bay. The second shows a bench at Henry Hudson Riverfront Park apparently floating in the water.
The Morning After
What a difference twelve hours makes. These pictures survey the waterfront as it appeared this morning. The first was contributed by A. T. Mann. The other two are Gossips own.
Email Notifications Are Back
For a week now, some of you have had the impression that Gossips had gone silent. Not so. My regular email notifications were being detected as spam and blocked.
With a little help from my friends--well, one in particular, fellow blogger Sam Pratt--I think I may have found the solution. One of the triggers for the overzealous spam blockers may have been the standard message, "There's Something New . . . ," so that has to go. But look for the notifications to return. I'll try to make it clear from the subject line that the message is about The Gossips of Rivertown.
With a little help from my friends--well, one in particular, fellow blogger Sam Pratt--I think I may have found the solution. One of the triggers for the overzealous spam blockers may have been the standard message, "There's Something New . . . ," so that has to go. But look for the notifications to return. I'll try to make it clear from the subject line that the message is about The Gossips of Rivertown.
Sunday, August 28, 2011
Railroad Crossing
The first picture of the Broad Street railroad crossing, looking west to Henry Hudson Riverfront Park, was taken by Timothy O'Connor. The second was contributed by Mara Estribou.
Water Covers Route 9G
The first picture shows Route 9G heading south, at the point where the former railbed now haul road through South Bay--also known as the "causeway"--goes off to the right. The second shows a whirlpool that formed where water was forcing itself through a box culvert under 9G.
In South Bay
Gossips received, from an anonymous contributer, this photograph of the flooded roadway--the former rail bed known as the "causeway"--through South Bay.
On the Waterfront
Gossips just received these photographs of the waterfront, taken from Promenade Hill by the intrepid Sarah Sterling. The parking lot at the state boat launch is flooded, as, it appears, are parts of the railroad tracks.
Time and Again
After finding the article about tree planting in 1914, I got curious about the Civic Improvement League and decided to learn more about it. A little time spent on the invaluable Fulton History site yielded this article from the Hudson Evening Register for March 11, 1915, which reveals some of the other projects undertaken by the league and gives insight into the nature of the organization.
Annual Meeting--Milk Station and Playground to be Run This Summer.
The summer milk station and the playground work will be continued this season by the Civic Improvement league, which made such a success of both of these movements last year. This was decided upon at the annual meeting of the association which was held at the Court house last night and the interest shown in the various features of this league promised well toward a successful season to come. County Judge McNamee, President of the organization was in the chair. Reports of committees were received, Mrs. Gillette telling most entertainingly of the work done by the playground committee, and Mrs. Bradley, Dr. Collins and Dr. Van Hoesen telling equally encouraging stories of what had been accomplished at the milk station. Mr. Esselstyn reported for the transportation committee and Mr. DeLamater and Judge McNamee for the Hudson Harbor association. Mrs. DeLamater told of the tree committee's work and the good results that had followed their efforts to have trees sprayed and more planted.
The following were elected Directors for three years: Mrs. Arthur Gifford, Mrs. John Gillette, Mrs. O. H. Bradley, Mrs. William J. DeLamater and Robert W. Evans, these to serve with the ten other directors, whose terms did not expire.
The meeting also discussed some buildings in Hudson where the condition [the next line of type of annoying undecipherable] the possibility of improving of [incomplete word] condition, as well as the need for a building code, a need that is especially felt now with so many buildings being built and being planned.
At the conclusion of the annual meeting the Board of Directors met and elected the following Officers:
President--Daniel V. McNamee.
Vice President--Mrs. John W. Gillette.
Secretary--Mrs. William J. DeLamater.
Some dues were collected for the ensuing year and the treasurer expressed a wish that all members should pay up promptly so that there would be a fund available at once for any emergencies. The dues are only $1, and the public is invited to join the association.
An article that appeared in the Evening Register for April 8, 1915, indicates that the City of Hudson called upon the Civic Improvement League for help in acquiring a baler to enable the City to bale and sell waste paper. Mention of waste paper "blowing about the street" and the suggestion that arrests should be made of "persistent violators, who throw out loose their waste paper and others who make a dumping ground of the alleys for their ashes" give a sense of the magnitude of the problem.
A hundred years later Hudson is still dealing with some of these same issues. Perhaps it's time to re-create a Civic Improvement League.
Showcasing Hudson's Great Trees
Imagine the 200 block of Columbia Street, where Habitat for Humanity has started work on two new houses, without this rare surviving American elm.
Then sign the petition to protect Hudson's heritage trees.
A Little Humor for a Dark and Stormy Day
The Register-Star, covering the Bluestock Festival at Hunter Mountain, reports that headliner Robert Cray is a five-time Granny Award winner.
I'd like to think everyone has received a Granny Award at some time in life. My granny, for example, used to dole out homemade molasses cookies to any visiting grandchild who did something she considered meritorious.
Thanks to Lisa Durfee for bringing this to our attention.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
An Unveiling on Robinson Street
A reader alerted Gossips that the aluminum siding had been removed from this house on Robinson Street. It is not known if the owner plans to restore the clapboard or install some other kind of siding, but for now, it's wonderful to see the detail of the cornice, the original dimensions of the windows, and the ghosts of the window surrounds, to imagine what the original doorway was like, and to contemplate how the house once looked.
Mussmann for Mayor, Act IV
Today the Register-Star has the story that Gossips reported on Thursday: "Mussmann now in mayor's race." It appears that Mussmann is trying to appeal to the disproportionate number of registered Democrats in Hudson by characterizing herself as the "lone Democrat" running for mayor. Nick Haddad, the candidate who has the official endorsement of the Hudson City Democratic Committee, is quoted in the article as saying Mussmann's decision to run is "disingenuous," noting that she had up until now been an apparent supporter of Republican mayoral candidate William Hallenbeck.
Disingenuous does seem to be the appropriate term. Remember Mussmann's performance--for that's certainly what it was--at the public hearing months ago for the Robinson Street Historic District designation? She prefaced her comments, in which she claimed (without evidence) that the Historic Preservation Commission had forced developer Eric Galloway to spend thousands of dollars more on projects than was necessary and exacerbated Robinson Street residents' fears that historic designation would force them to make improvements to their houses they couldn't afford, by reminding people, in a self-effacing, aw-shucks manner, of her previous campaigns for mayor, assuring them she had no intention of doing it again. So what changed her mind?
The Register-Star quotes Mussmann as saying: "The challenges we face in the next few years could make or break us as a small city. We must approach these challenges with an appreciation of our unique diversity and a sense of equity and fairness." This statement is so vague it's hard to disagree with it, but what challenges is she talking about exactly?
Disingenuous does seem to be the appropriate term. Remember Mussmann's performance--for that's certainly what it was--at the public hearing months ago for the Robinson Street Historic District designation? She prefaced her comments, in which she claimed (without evidence) that the Historic Preservation Commission had forced developer Eric Galloway to spend thousands of dollars more on projects than was necessary and exacerbated Robinson Street residents' fears that historic designation would force them to make improvements to their houses they couldn't afford, by reminding people, in a self-effacing, aw-shucks manner, of her previous campaigns for mayor, assuring them she had no intention of doing it again. So what changed her mind?
The Register-Star quotes Mussmann as saying: "The challenges we face in the next few years could make or break us as a small city. We must approach these challenges with an appreciation of our unique diversity and a sense of equity and fairness." This statement is so vague it's hard to disagree with it, but what challenges is she talking about exactly?
An Idea Whose Time Keeps Coming
The following article appeared in the Hudson Evening Register on April 16, 1914--almost a hundred years ago.
Civic Improvement League Asks
Civic Improvement League Asks
Property Owners to Set Out Trees.
One of the best advertisements for a city is its beauty. It is a well recognized fact that shade trees tend more to the beautifying of a city than any other one thing. Warren street, in summer, is the warmest place in town. The sun heats one side in the morning, the other side in the afternoon, and the center all day. This makes it a place to be shunned by all who are not obliged to walk through it. The result is seriously detrimental to all business places, and unhealthful for all residents.
If suitable shade trees lined both sides of this fine street all our citizens would be benefited physically as well as financially.
The tree committee of the Civic Improvement league therefore most earnestly requests each property owner or tenant on Warren and South Front street to plant shade trees in front of his respective property this month. Arrangements have been made with the Commission of Public Works by which any property owner upon paying the sum of $5, can have a suitable shade tree set out this month in front of his lot on Warren street. The variety recommended is the Oriental Plane tree, which many writers of the best authority state from experience comes more nearly [to] filling all the requirements necessary for city planting than any other shade tree. Grows in a great variety of soils, and withstands the smoky atmosphere of cities. Is hardy, thrives near the seashore and is remarkably free from disease and insect attacks. Its rapid growth also adds to its value, making [it] a most popular and satisfactory tree for avenue planting.
In order to make a good beginning of this wise work, property owners should notify and pay said sum to the Superintendent of Public Works at once in order that trees may be secured during this month as May will be too late for successful planting. If it is found that the cost is less than $5 the balance will be refunded.
While the greatest need at present is to shade Warren street, residents on other streets are urged to plant trees in places at present unshaded.
It's curious that given this earnest request to plant trees on Warren Street--and specifically to plant Oriental plane trees--there are no Oriental plane trees on Warren Street today. Did no one respond to the Civic Improvement League's appeal? Unlikely. Were the Oriental plane trees that were planted in 1914 removed and replaced with the locusts that were planted during Urban Renewal which were in turn removed on some blocks of Warren Street and replaced with Bradford pears in the late 1990s?
Friday, August 26, 2011
Remembering Great Trees
Back in April, Gossips reported on the plight of this tree--the great survivor, the symbol of the indomitable quality of life and hope.
The passionate intercession of neighbors won the tree a stay of execution, but it was only temporary. This morning Gossips noticed that the tree is gone. Only pieces of the trunk remain where the tree once stood, its branches raised as if in exultation . . . or supplication.
The passionate intercession of neighbors won the tree a stay of execution, but it was only temporary. This morning Gossips noticed that the tree is gone. Only pieces of the trunk remain where the tree once stood, its branches raised as if in exultation . . . or supplication.
Curious in Hudson
Spotted this morning at the now vacant former Canape Brothers Chrysler building on Fairview Avenue--the building that mayor's aide Carmine Pierro owns and is trying to rent or sell--was this "For Sale" sign identifying Anthony R. Concra as the broker. Isn't Anthony R. Concra the owner of 25 Railroad Avenue, the building the City of Hudson--in the person of the mayor--is negotiating to buy? So, is the man who is negotiating with the mayor to sell a building he owns to the City of Hudson also the realtor who is handling the sale of a building that belongs to the mayor's aide?
Not to Be Missed
On his blog, Word on the Street, Scott Baldinger talks about the one encouraging development among all the unsettling things happening this week in Hudson: "Heavy Metal." (The picture is from Scott's blog.) It's enough to make one eschew vegetarianism and go back to eating burgers.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
She's Back . . . Trying for a Fourth Mayoral Run
Linda Mussmann's on-again, off-again--at least according to the rumors--campaign to become the Democratic candidate for mayor of Hudson seems to be officially on-again. Word is that she sent out an email appeal today--Gossips wasn't on her distribution list--for people to write in her name in the September 13 Democratic primary. Only yesterday, Sam Pratt wondered on his blog if Mussmann was "betting it all on the OTB," since she seemed not to have filed petitions to run as the Bottom Line Party candidate. Today it appears that's exactly what she's doing.
Gunshots on Columbia Street
A shooting took place at approximately 11:30 this morning in the vicinity of 231 Columbia Street. Between two and four shots were fired, and a man was wounded in the elbow. The police are still seeking the shooter. Here is the link to the Register-Star's latest coverage: "Shots fired in Hudson, one man wounded."
Showcasing Hudson's Great Trees
Imagine descending the South Second Street stairs without seeing this magnificent black walnut tree.
Then sign the petition to protect Hudson's heritage trees.
Then sign the petition to protect Hudson's heritage trees.
Of Buildings and Earthquakes
W. T. Eckert reports in today's Register-Star that there is some concern about damage suffered by Columbia County buildings during Tuesday's earthquake: "County office buildings rocked by earthquake." The two buildings that are the subject of concern are the county's newest: 25 Railroad Avenue, built in 1990, and 325 Columbia Street, built in 2004. The sturdily constructed late 19th- and early 20th-century buildings owned by the county--610 State Street, 401 State Street, 560 Warren Street, and the courthouse--appear to have ridden out the earthquake without sustaining any damage.
Identity Theft Alert
Yesterday, Columbia County law enforcement agencies declared an "identity theft alert." More than fifty people have reported suspicious charges to credit cards and bank accounts. People are warned to check their credit card and bank statements carefully for unauthorized charges, and retailers are asked to check identification before accepting payment by credit card or debit card. Audra Jornov has more on the story in today's Register-Star: "ID theft epidemic sweeps county."
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Where the Wild Things Are
This amazing picture of a coyote was taken by Timothy O'Connor on Middle Ground Flats. Gossips shares it with his permission. The same cannot be said, however, for using Maurice Sendak's title.
Showcasing Hudson's Great Trees
Imagine the 300 block of Allen Street without this magnificent silver maple.
Then sign the petition to protect Hudson's heritage trees.
Then sign the petition to protect Hudson's heritage trees.
About Those Test Scores
Remember the New York State standardized test scores Gossips reported on two weeks ago? They were a topic of discussion at last night's meeting of the HCSD Board of Education. Audra Jornov reports in today's Register-Star on Assistant Superintendent Maria Suttmeier's explanation of the reasons for the students' lackluster performance: "District responds to mixed report card."
About Galloway's Lantern Organization
Hudson hasn't heard much about Eric Galloway's Lantern Organization since they withdrew their proposal, back in May 2010, to build the Starboard--thirty-three units of "permanent supportive housing" on the corner of Warren and Fifth streets, in the middle of Hudson's main street.
But the phenomenon of "supportive housing" in general and, in particular, the activities of the Lantern Organization on the Upper West Side of Manhattan were the subject of an article in Monday's Daily News: "'Supportive housing' doesn't help anyone"--anyone, the article suggests, except supportive housing developers like Eric Galloway and his Lantern Organization.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
An earthquake, reported to have registered 5.9 on the Richter scale, was felt along the East Coast from North Carolina to New York. The New York Times reports that the epicenter was near Richmond, VA, and we can all attest that it rocked Hudson.
Here are links to the coverage in the New York Times and the TimesUnion.
Here are links to the coverage in the New York Times and the TimesUnion.
Showcasing Hudson's Great Trees
Imagine a trip to Strongtree, Basilica Hudson, or the train station without seeing this grand old cottonwood tree.
Then sign the petition to protect Hudson's heritage trees.
Progress Report: Union and First Streets
The foundations of the first two houses planned for Union and First streets are now almost completely clad with brick, but this observer is curious about the provenance of the brick being used. Does it come from the Old Brick Tavern that was demolished at the intersection of Routes 9H and 66? Is it the brick from the facade of General Worth's birthplace? Does it come from the part of 620-624 State Street that was demolished in April 2010? Or is it new brick meant to look like old brick? If it is brick salvaged from some other building, it would be nice to know how the authentic fabric of Hudson is getting move around.
Monday, August 22, 2011
A New Approach to Journalism?
Last week, when Gossips reproduced a comment by Sam Pratt that appeared in the print version of the Sunday New York Times, Pratt commented on Gossips, "Gosh, who knew that online comments are now being turned into published material without the author's knowledge?"
So, today, when the Register-Star ran an article about tomorrow night's forum on the issue of unleashed dogs in the Greenport Conservation Area, which was composed largely of online comments made not on the Register-Star website but the Columbia Land Conservancy website, one had to wonder if the one person who actually identified herself knew that her online comment was going to be printed in the newspaper.
So, today, when the Register-Star ran an article about tomorrow night's forum on the issue of unleashed dogs in the Greenport Conservation Area, which was composed largely of online comments made not on the Register-Star website but the Columbia Land Conservancy website, one had to wonder if the one person who actually identified herself knew that her online comment was going to be printed in the newspaper.
Gossips' Emails Blocked
Whatever can go wrong will go wrong. After twenty months of notifying readers who've requested it that there's something new on The Gossips of Rivertown, Gossips' email notices are being blocked and declared "undeliverable" by Verizon's heightened spam filters. Until I can get the problem resolved or find another way to inform readers of new posts, I hope you will remember to check in at least once a day, because every day there's something new on The Gossips of Rivertown. The URL is long but not hard to remember: If you forget it, just Google "gossips of rivertown," and Google will take you right there.
Showcasing Hudson's Great Trees
Imagine the 500 block of Union Street without this ancient and venerable silver maple.
Then sign the petition to protect Hudson's heritage trees.
Ear to the Ground
The rumor making the rounds this weekend was that Ian Schrager, co-creator of Studio 54 and co-inventor of the genre of the boutique hotel, was interested in buying Holcim's property on our waterfront for $5 million. Now wouldn't that be grand?
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Showcasing Hudson's Great Trees
Imagine the 300 block of Allen Street without this stately pair of pin oaks.
Then sign the petition to protect Hudson's heritage trees.
Then sign the petition to protect Hudson's heritage trees.
NEEDED: A Hedge Fund
Walking by the PARC Park in the 300 block of Warren Street this morning, I was reminded of two things: what Scott Baldinger said in his latest post about the need to care for trees--and all things botanical--in public spaces, and Sarah Sterling's news earlier this week that she had established a fund at HDC for small beautification projects. A prime candidate for that fund is the PARC Park's boxwood hedge.
This little park on Warren Street was designed and created by the PARC Foundation and given to the City of Hudson. The opening ceremony for the park took place in the late summer of 2007. The terms of the gift were, as I recall, that the PARC Foundation would retain design control of the park for ten years--preventing the City from altering essential aspects of the park's design--but the City of Hudson would take over the care and maintenance of the park.
An important feature of the park is the boxwood hedge that borders the street side of the park and the sloping walkway that connects Warren Street with Prison Alley, the county health building, and the municipal parking lot on Columbia Street. When the hedge was first planted, each little boxwood bush had a beautiful upright teardrop shape, and with just a tiny bit of judicious trimming (or none at all), the boxwood bushes would have grown into a compact and shapely low hedge.
On the subject of pruning boxwood, there are two recommended techniques: using hand pruners or using your fingers to pluck or break off stems. The Department of Public Works took a different approach. A year or so after the boxwoods were planted, someone took a power trimmer to the nascent hedge and gave it the characteristic flat top and squared off sides seen everywhere in Hudson's parks. The following pictures, which show that shape imposed on the boxwood hedge, were taken at the end of March 2011.
The following pictures, taken this morning, show that the hedge is in even worse condition now than it was in early spring. There are several gaps in the hedge where bushes have died--the victims of the vandalism and other kinds of abuse. Bushes that were still alive in March are dead today, and the surviving bushes look anything but robust.
So here's the proposal. We build on Sarah Sterling's initiative to create a "hedge fund" to replant the missing bushes or, if necessary, to replant the entire hedge. Then we organize a group of volunteers to care for the hedge, carefully trimming it, as recommended, with hand pruners or fingers. Maybe involving the community in caring for the hedge will inspire greater community pride and commitment to nurturing and protecting it.
This little park on Warren Street was designed and created by the PARC Foundation and given to the City of Hudson. The opening ceremony for the park took place in the late summer of 2007. The terms of the gift were, as I recall, that the PARC Foundation would retain design control of the park for ten years--preventing the City from altering essential aspects of the park's design--but the City of Hudson would take over the care and maintenance of the park.
An important feature of the park is the boxwood hedge that borders the street side of the park and the sloping walkway that connects Warren Street with Prison Alley, the county health building, and the municipal parking lot on Columbia Street. When the hedge was first planted, each little boxwood bush had a beautiful upright teardrop shape, and with just a tiny bit of judicious trimming (or none at all), the boxwood bushes would have grown into a compact and shapely low hedge.
On the subject of pruning boxwood, there are two recommended techniques: using hand pruners or using your fingers to pluck or break off stems. The Department of Public Works took a different approach. A year or so after the boxwoods were planted, someone took a power trimmer to the nascent hedge and gave it the characteristic flat top and squared off sides seen everywhere in Hudson's parks. The following pictures, which show that shape imposed on the boxwood hedge, were taken at the end of March 2011.
The following pictures, taken this morning, show that the hedge is in even worse condition now than it was in early spring. There are several gaps in the hedge where bushes have died--the victims of the vandalism and other kinds of abuse. Bushes that were still alive in March are dead today, and the surviving bushes look anything but robust.
So here's the proposal. We build on Sarah Sterling's initiative to create a "hedge fund" to replant the missing bushes or, if necessary, to replant the entire hedge. Then we organize a group of volunteers to care for the hedge, carefully trimming it, as recommended, with hand pruners or fingers. Maybe involving the community in caring for the hedge will inspire greater community pride and commitment to nurturing and protecting it.
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Another Perspective
On his blog, Word on the Street, Scott Baldinger takes up a couple of Gossips' favorite issues: the library's departure from 400 State Street and the maintenance and survival of Hudson's trees, both ancient and new.
Showcasing Hudson's Great Trees
Imagine the 200 block of Partition Street without this rare and stately American elm.
Then sign the petition to protect Hudson's heritage trees.
Then sign the petition to protect Hudson's heritage trees.
Dogs at the Greenport Conservation Area
In response to complaints about offleash dogs at the Greenport Conservation Area, the Columbia Land Conservancy is heightening its enforcement of the rule that dogs walked in the conservation area must be leashed. CLC is increasing its presence at the site, and the Greenport animal control officer will be issuing tickets to dog walkers who ignore the leash rule.
CLC Executive Director Peter Paden explains: "Unleashed dogs prevent people from enjoying the conservation area. We don’t want people to worry about dogs bounding toward them. Many people are afraid of dogs. They have the right to enjoy the park without being confronted with this fear. Unleashed dogs can also pose a problem for dog owners whose pets are on a leash. Occasionally, unleashed dogs get into altercations with other dogs or nip people, and this is unacceptable.”
In a press release, CLC points out that unleashed dogs are also a threat to wildlife, and one of the primary purposes of the Greenport Conservation Area is to protect nature.
Columbia Land Conservancy is inviting comments on the subject at their website. CLC is also hosting a public forum to discuss why the leash rule is important and how to ensure more compliance on Tuesday, August 23, at 5:30 p.m. at Trinity United Methodist Church, 555 Joslen Boulevard, in Greenport.
Dogs in the Greenport Conservation Area is also the topic of today's editorial in the Register-Star: "Must love dogs."
Photo of CLC staffer talking with dog walker at the Greenport Conservation Area is from the Columbia Land Conservancy website.
CLC Executive Director Peter Paden explains: "Unleashed dogs prevent people from enjoying the conservation area. We don’t want people to worry about dogs bounding toward them. Many people are afraid of dogs. They have the right to enjoy the park without being confronted with this fear. Unleashed dogs can also pose a problem for dog owners whose pets are on a leash. Occasionally, unleashed dogs get into altercations with other dogs or nip people, and this is unacceptable.”
In a press release, CLC points out that unleashed dogs are also a threat to wildlife, and one of the primary purposes of the Greenport Conservation Area is to protect nature.
Columbia Land Conservancy is inviting comments on the subject at their website. CLC is also hosting a public forum to discuss why the leash rule is important and how to ensure more compliance on Tuesday, August 23, at 5:30 p.m. at Trinity United Methodist Church, 555 Joslen Boulevard, in Greenport.
Dogs in the Greenport Conservation Area is also the topic of today's editorial in the Register-Star: "Must love dogs."
Photo of CLC staffer talking with dog walker at the Greenport Conservation Area is from the Columbia Land Conservancy website.
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