Why would someone spend thousands of dollars to restore the facade of a house and then deface it with a satellite dish? Unfortunately, that's what happened to this house at 246 Allen Street.
The same fate nearly befell 256 Union Street, but a vigilant neighbor intervened to prevent it. The bracket has been mounted on the roof of the enclosed porch, but the dish has not been attached.
Both houses are located in the Union-Allen-South Front Street Historic District and are subject to Hudson's historic preservation law, which requires a certificate of appropriateness from the Historic Preservation Commission before a satellite dish can be installed. Section 169-5 of the City Code begins:
A certificate of appropriateness is required to carry out any exterior alteration, additions, restoration, reconstruction, demolition, new construction, or moving of a landmark or property within an historic district, or to make any material change in the appearance of such a property or its windows, or install or move a satellite dish.
The idea is to position the satellite dishes where they cannot be seen from the street.