Monday, November 3, 2014

Local Comment

Reacting to an article in the New York Times, Hudson's own Scott Baldinger shares his thoughts about the race between Sean Eldridge and Chris Gibson to represent New York's 19th Congressional District on his blog, Word on the Street: "Race to the Middle." 


  1. maybe mr. gibson is a nice guy. so is david koch - but his right wing views on gays, women, other religions, and a lack of support for real wage growth for lower middle class americans -- read the increase in the minimum wage - make chris gibson and his cohorts not really such nice guys after all.
    is it really nice to exclude so many so older white men can have most of the wealth ? i guess the voters will decide.

  2. additionally, chris gibson isnt a nice guy because he does not support the affordable care act for less fortunate americans. he supports proivate health care for americans rich enough to pay for it and supports no health care for poorer people. this is the republican way. " all for me and none for you " so nice !! really so so nice - are these turncoat voters crazy ?

    sean eldridge will support the good causes to make a more level playing field for us all.

  3. Gibson by 20+ points. It's not going to be close.

    -- Jock Spivy

  4. When all reason fails, invoke the Koch Brothers - the old, boring, tired mantra of the liberal democrats.

    1. If you really believe the power and influence of the Koch Brothers is tired and boring then you aren't paying attention and would rather throw up this dribble.

  5. How can anyone expect to have an inexperienced, gay, Jewish, Canadian-born, Ivy-educated, twenty something married to a billionaire with zero connection to upstate win this election? Stop talking to yourselves!
