Saturday, January 28, 2017

Whitbeck on Early Hudson History

If you missed Carl G. Whitbeck's presentation about the Proprietors, the founders of Hudson, and their lasting influence on our city, you can still learn what he had to say. Dan Udell was there to videotape the entire talk, and it can now be viewed on YouTube.

1 comment:

  1. It was a marvelous lecture, and well worth listening to. The Whitbeck clan has been in the Hudson Valley since rocks cooled (starting in Albany when it was part of New Amsterdam), and he remembers it all.

    And his breadth of knowledge is most impressive. He explained the Merino sheep, that gave the hill its name, and how their wool was used for textiles for about 25 years, until the cotton gin destroyed the industry in the Hudson Valley, even while it made slavery much more economical in the deep South. When I think of the cotton gin, I tend at least in that one instance, to think fondly of Luddites.
