Wednesday, July 5, 2023

A Pocketbook Update

When the City chose to support Ben Fain's proposal for the Kaz site over the Pocketbook Factory project for a Restore New York grant, at least one person wondered, in Gossips' presence, if not getting the $1 million in grant funding meant the end of the Pocketbook Factory project. Recently, a reader contacted Gossips to report that work at the Pocketbook Factory had ceased. These incidents inspired Gossips to contact Sean Roland, one of the principals of PBF Hudson, to ask about the status of the project.

Roland told Gossips that all is well at the Pocketbook Factory. Phase 1 of the project, which addressed abatement, structural remediation, and masonry repair, was completed in June. Phase 2 is scheduled to begin in the coming weeks. Roland described Phase 2 as "the full 'core and shell' phase of the project," involving the installation of new windows, roofs, mechanical systems, interior walls, and stairs, among other things. The project is proceeding in a timely fashion.

1 comment:

  1. From experience, July is not time to build anything in Hudson. The heat is too intense, and the workers can drop from heat exhaustion.

    August may be a better time to do phase 2.
