Sunday, April 7, 2024

A Project Not Pursued

As regular readers of Gossips may know, sometimes, when it's a slow news period, I search old newspapers to see if something of interest happened in Hudson on that day a century or more ago. I was doing that in the days before Easter and came upon this item in the Columbia Republican for March 29, 1864.

The information presented here is intriguing. The creation of Central Park began in 1858.

The London Underground, the world's first underground railway, opened in 1863.

Despite the report in March 1864 about an underground railroad being planned for New York City, the first subway line in NYC didn't open until October 1904. Rather than going from Central Park to the Battery, it went from City Hall to Grand Central Station.

So far, I have found no further information about this plan to build an underground railway in New York or any account of why it was abandoned. It is useful to remember that in March 1864, when this item appeared in a Hudson newspaper, the Civil War was still going on. It would be another year before General Robert E. Lee surrendered to General Ulysses S. Grant in May 1865,  and the war came to an end.

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