Sunday, April 7, 2024

Feedback Sought

As Gossips has reported, there is a plan afoot to revitalize Charles Williams Park. A 3D rendering of a walk through the park, redesigned as is currently being proposed, can be found here. 

Today, The Spark of Hudson introduced a survey to gather community feedback about the redesign of the park. To access the survey, click here.


  1. Suggestion: Create a Parks Department before creating another park. Otherwise, it won't get proper attention. The Spark won't maintain it and DPW can barely handle what they have to deal with already.
    I can't see many people headed there anyway, whatever the amenities might be.
    Also, if the drainage issue is not taken care of first, you might as well call the whole thing off. It's consistently a soggy mess down there .

  2. I hope that Spark will consider installing a staircase at the dead end of North 3rd Street to better connect the park to downtown Hudson. A staircase used to take students from Charles Williams School to the fields below. It would be fantastic to see the restoration of the park include bringing back the historic 3rd Street access to help connect the park to the 2nd and 4th Wards.

  3. Although a staircase is a good idea in theory, in practice it would probably cost a small fortune since it would have to be ADA compliant. Opening up a big can of worms, so to speak.

  4. Time, money and resources are being divided between Oakdale Park and Charles Williams Park. By dividing resources, we are likely to wind up with two mediocre parks instead of one excellent park. The top priority should be to demolish the old cinderblock bathhouse at Oakdale and build a brand new bathhouse and other recreational facilities at Oakdale. Charles Williams is a parasite at the expense of Oakdale.
