Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Hudson's Loss, Hoorn's Gain

In October, Gossips reported the possibility that the replica Half Moon would find a permanent home not in Hudson, not in New York, but in the Netherlands.

That possibility is now a reality. The Board of Directors of the New Netherland Museum has announced that in 2015 the Half Moon will be going to a new home port in the City of Hoorn in the Netherlands. There it will be a living history center at the Westfries Museum, highlighting the Dutch Golden Age and its accomplishments.

It turns out that the Half Moon's journey of discovery to the New World was only part of its long history of service to the Dutch East Indies Company. The New Netherland Museum's announcement explains:
Newly discovered historic information on the ship reveals that the Half Moon was very active before Henry Hudson's voyage in the European commodity trade. After her historic 1609 Hudson voyage, the Half Moon ventured to the warm waters of the Spice Islands of the Indian Ocean as a true Dutch East Indies ship. As such, the Half Moon represents the full scale of Dutch maritime history in the beginning of the 17th century. Moreover, strong historic ties to Hoom, not in the least because the last skipper before Hudson hauled from that area, suggest that the Half Moon is not just going to Hoorn, but returning to Hoorn!  
Fare thee well, Half Moon. We'll miss seeing you in Hudson waters.


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