Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Colarusso Update

Sam Pratt reports that documents at the County Clerk's office indicate that A. Colarusso & Sons has purchased some waterfront property belonging to Holcim and taken leases or easements on the rest: "Colarusso acquires extensive land rights from Holcim."

Meanwhile, on a trip around town, Gossips discovered "No Trespassing" and "Danger" signs bearing the Colarusso logo at the entrance to the "causeway" road on Route 9G, on the other side of 9G at the beginning of the proposed road to the quarry, and at the entrance to the dock on the Hudson waterfront, but the "No Trespassing" sign at the entrance to the old cement plant on Route 9 still bears the Holcim logo, as does the awning over the front door of the headquarters building.



  1. What does this mean for the city of Hudson? Does this change anything?

  2. From the National Organization for Rivers:

    ..."it is a crime, in all states, for landowners to block this public easement, either on the water or along the banks, with fences, signs, obstructions, or verbal threats."

    - See more at:
