Tuesday, March 1, 2011

The Sting on Warren

The sting funded by a grant from Catholic Charities and carried out on Warren Street on December 23 and again last week in an effort to prevent underage drinking was a topic of discussion at the Common Council Police Committee meeting last night. Unfortunately, Gossips had to be someplace else when the meeting was going on, but Jamie Larson's account of what happened is in today's Register-Star: "Biz owners still reeling after sting operation." Larson doesn't mention one of the finer moments of the meeting, which Gossips heard about from several people who were there. After Theresa Lux from Catholic Charities had made her presentation to the committee, which reportedly was articulate and well delivered, Fifth Ward Alderman Robert Donahue, member of the committee and master of the bon mot, turned to the restaurant owners in the audience and said, "Let's see you top that."  

1 comment:

  1. A Frenchman might more aptly describe said bon mots as bêtises...
