Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Another Curious Situation in the Cemetery

Pursuing the story begun last week of how the City acquired the adjacent lands to expand the cemetery and create what we now know as Cedar Park Cemetery led to the discovery of this surprising little item, which appeared in the Hudson Daily Register on June 17, 1901.

The type is a little hard to read, so here's what it says:
As we go to press it is rumored on the streets that the remains of Fred W. Jones are missing from the Jones mausoleum in the Hudson cemetery. Mr. Jones was one of the most prominent citizens, and if the rumor be founded in fact, it will prove an eventful case. The remains were, it is said, recently deposited in the vault and are now missing.
An investigation may develop other facts. If ghouls are at work the investigation cannot be made too quickly. 
The mausoleum is one of the most beautiful structures in the cemetery, occupying a commanding site. Mr. Jones was in the stone business, and erected the vault as the last resting place for his family.
Fred W. Jones was, of course, was the owner of the New York Coral and Shell Marble Company, and it is Jones we have to thank, lo these many years later, for the railroad on trestles that bisected South Bay and evolved into what we now know as the "causeway."

His vault in the cemetery is indeed an imposing structure, and Gossips intends to pursue this rumor from the past to find out if the remains of Fred W. Jones really are or are not contained within.


1 comment:

  1. I think Jones is under the causeway somewhere . Let's dig him up !
