Thursday, November 22, 2018

Hudson as a Household Name

In the episode of CBS series FBI that aired on Tuesday, a suspect in the kidnapping of a Russian scientist is identified by face recognition technology. Among the information presented by an FBI agent to her colleagues early on in the show is that an obituary for the suspect's mother appeared in 2008 in the Hudson Register-Star.

That detail alone is evidence that the TV show is fiction. Since the Register-Star morphed into HudsonValley360, its entire online archive has been inaccessible--probably even to the FBI.

The image above is a screen capture from the show. The entire episode, called "This Land Is Your Land," can be viewed here.

Thanks to Marty Davidson for bringing this to our attention

1 comment:

  1. It must be repeated and understood by all: "the entire online archive [of the City's Newspaper of Record] has been inaccessible" since early last year.

    Some of those stories which we can no longer view include information about ongoing cases that are very important to the public (e.g., the Hudson-Greenport-Colarusso lawsuits to name only one).

    Normally, a concerned public might shame the newspaper's publisher into restoring access, but too many in Hudson are simply too apathetic to bother to learn why these archives are so important.

    In such circumstances it's even more daunting once you realize how many of these apathetic and/or uninformed people pride themselves on their advanced thinking.

    So often it's uneducated but self-styled "Progressives" who make local progress seem so unattainable. How do you penetrate so much Bourgeois smugness?


    (Thank you Gossips - good job.)
