Saturday, December 22, 2018

Seventh Street Park 135 Years Ago

Last night, a Gossips reader slipped what I considered to be a Christmas gift through my mail slot. It was a photocopy of an article that appeared in the Hudson Evening Register on September 11, 1883. The article was familiar to me--it was one I have shared on this blog before--but, since the interest in revitalizing the Public Square and restoring the Venus fountain continues unabated and ungratified, I was inspired to share it again. It provides some precise and valuable information about the fountain, should anyone want to undertake to reconstruct it.


An Ornament to the City and a Monument to Public Spirited Citizens--a Description of the Work of Art, and who were Instrumental in Procuring it.
Now that the beautiful fountain in Public Park is nearly completed and our citizens have enjoyed the sight of "Venus Rising from the Sea," exhibiting in the most effective manner the power of our water supply, and proving that it can be put to ornamental as well as useful purposes, it is proper to speak in detail of this work of art, and award credit to those who were chiefly instrumental in procuring it.
The total height of the fountain, including the foundation, is eighteen feet. The pan is a gurgoyle [sic] octagon, eight feet five inches above the base; diameter of pan, eight feet eleven inches. The ground basin is twenty-five feet in diameter. The foundation is of Coral Marble, handsomely cut, from the quarries of Supervisor Fred. W. Jones, and was donated by that energetic and public spirited gentleman. The foundation is capped by a fine slab of Vermont marble, which was generously donated by Mr. Patrick Hoctor, of the Hudson Granite and Marble Works. From this rises the base surmounted by the figures, all in graceful proportion and artistic design. But to be fully appreciated, it must be seen when the water in full force is playing through the numerous jets and rising and falling in fantastic forms.
Mr. D. Martin Haviland is entitled to much credit for his persevering efforts in securing to the city not only this beautiful fountain, but the handsome park in which it is located. One of the most unsightly spots in the city has within a few years been converted into one of the most attractive. In this enterprise Mr. Haviland's efforts have been generously seconded by the Boston & Albany Railroad Company, by the action of our Common Council, by the contributions of citizens, and by the local press.
At the outset we said the fountain was nearly completed. It only lacks the finishing touches of the artist's brush. That, we understand, Mr. Silas W. Tobey, the veteran artist, has volunteered to do, and this assurance is sufficient guarantee that the work will be well done and in keeping with the fountain and its surroundings.  

1 comment:

  1. So what are we waiting for? We should be raising money for the restoration, because I'm sure the city of Hudson won't pay for it.
