Saturday, January 25, 2020

Following Stewart's

Hudson has its new Stewart's, but we're still waiting for the landscaping and the improvements to the intersection that are supposed to be paid for by the $200,000 host community benefit agreement. But what of the Stewart's projects elsewhere that Gossips has been following?

Last week, Gossips reported that the lawsuit brought against Stewart's Shops by a community group in Altamont, Concerned Severson Neighbors, had been terminated. In Altamont, as in Hudson, a change on the zoning code was required to allow Stewart's to realize its plans for expansion.

This past week, the Altamont Enterprise reported on Stewart's Shops lawsuit against the Village of Voorheesville for changing its zoning in what Stewart's alleges was a "targeted effort to prevent" the company from building a new shop on property it owns in the village: "Voorheesville's first filing in Stewart's lawsuit seeks dismissal of all claims." With its lawsuit, Stewart's is seeking to have the village's new zoning law declared null and void and the zoning district created by the new code around its property judged to be a case of illegal spot zoning.

Stewart's plan for Voorheesville would replace this building, formerly Smith's Tavern . . . 

with this gas station and convenience store.

Part of the village's concern about the Stewart's proposal is its proximity to Vly Creek. The gas station would sit almost entirely within the creek's floodplain.


  1. The $143,000 estimate from Stewart's seems to just refer to the cost of the equipment, etc to be installed at the intersection. What about the cost of labor to install all that stuff? If the city hires a contractor to do it, it will certainly cost more than the remaining 57 grand in the check they handed us. If DPW does it themselves, be assured they will do a subpar job, endangering pedestrians and everyone else. Did Stewart's offer enough money for us to get the intersection right?

  2. I was always under the impression that intersection improvements and Stewart's landscaping were two seperate animals. What are the "improvements"?
