Monday, May 13, 2024

Another Galvan Project

At Friday's meeting of the Historic Preservation Commission, Walter Chatham had two projects to present on behalf of the Galvan Foundation: 201 Union Street and 352 and 354 Warren Street, formerly the location of Johnny's Ideal Printing Company. 

Galvan acquired the two buildings in 2019. Now, six years later, they are submitting plans for the restoration and renovation of the buildings, seeking a certificate of appropriateness. The intention is to combine the two buildings into a single apartment building and to re-create what was once a storefront at 352 Warren Street. The proposal involves removing the composite shingles on 354 Warren and replacing them with Hardie board siding and removing the paint from the brick on 352 Warren. The drawings below show the buildings as they are now and the buildings with the changes proposed.

This drawing shows the buildings with the proposed changes in the context of the buildings on either side.

HPC member Miranda Barry suggested that approving the project should go step by step and recommended that the siding on 354 Warren be removed to see what is under it before the HPC approves the installation of Hardie board siding. Chatham said the siding could be removed this week, but Craig Haigh, code enforcement officer, reminded him that the siding needed to be tested for asbestos before it could be removed. The HPC agreed to review the proposal in steps and also requested historic photographs of the building. To date, the postcard image below is the only historic photograph of the buildings that Gossips knows of. The two buildings--352 and 354 Warren Street--appear in the lower left.


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