Friday, May 10, 2024

Prepare to Vote

On Tuesday, May 21, voters in the Hudson City School District will be asked to vote on the proposed $55.6 million budget for the 2024-2025 school year and to elect two members of the HCSD Board of Education. To view the presentation of the budget that was made at the budget hearing on May 7, click here. For information about the five candidates who are vying for the two vacant seats on the Board of Education, click here. The candidates are:
  • Micaela McClinton
  • Amanda Grubler
  • Daryl Blanks
  • Selha Graham (who currently serves on the board)
  • Matthew Mackerer
On Thursday, May 16, the Hudson Senior High School Student Council is hosting a "Meet the Candidates" night. Members of the student council will ask the candidates "student-centered questions" and will provide a platform for candidates to communicate their ideas and goals to the "residents of the school community." The announcement of the event stresses it "will not be a question-and-answer session between community members and the candidates." 

The event will take place at 6:00 p.m. in person at the Hudson Junior/Senior High School auditorium and will be livestreamed on the HCSD YouTube page.  


  1. So taxpayers are being invited to a "meet the candidate" night to watch students who cost them some $25k a year each ask the questions? I'd say they need a lesson or two in civics. --peter m

  2. There are a number of organizations that could have sponsored a " meet the candidates " forum. Why knock the Student Council for being " civic minded " ?

    1. Ed, you make a good point about other organizations that should be sponsoring meet the candidates fora. But I knock the student council for NOT being civic-minded -- e.g. recognizing that the BOE is supposed to be responsible to the taxpayers and so those taxpayers should have a chance to ask questions. In fact, one could argue that this is a misuse of a public school building to influence the outcome of an election. --peter m

  3. This could be a teaching moment for the student council: how to plan and implement a public forum. They could start by attending a school board meeting and finding out why we have a board, what its responsibilities are. Then it could research public events and how it could orchestrate a meeting in which the candidates could talk and answer questions from the public, taxpayers and voters as well as students. We have plenty of event planners in this town who would be glad to offer advice and counsel. Here are two questions for the candidates: 1) Why can't the public ask questions at board meetings? 2) why do 2/3 of HCSD students read below grade level.... C'mon student council, show us you know something about democracy: let the public speak. --peter meyer

  4. Some people living in the desert would even complain about the rain.

  5. Some people living in the desert would refuse to put a bucket out to catch the rain. peter m.

  6. Hudson CSD gets $200,000 for Pre-K and there's nothing here about this?
