Saturday, May 18, 2024

The Celebration Continues

May is Historic Preservation Month, and Historic Hudson has been observing the month by exhibiting a sampling of The Warren Street Project at 243 Warren Street. The Warren Street Project is the monumental assemblage of photographs, nay portraits, of every building on Warren Street, taken in 1994 and 1995 by renowned photographer Lynn Davis. The exhibition celebrates Hudson's revitalization over the past thirty years and the role historic preservation played in that journey back from the edge. The event also reminds people of the part Historic Hudson played in helping Hudson embrace its historic architecture and its history. 

Since the beginning of the month, the photographs of the buildings on the north side of Warren Street, from Front Street to the middle of the 300 block have been displayed at 243 Warren Street. Visitors to the exhibit could view the photographs of the buildings as they were thirty years ago and then step outside to see the buildings as they are today--preserved, restored, and revitalized. 

This morning, the exhibition was changed. The images of the north side of the street were replaced with the images showing the buildings on the south side of that same stretch of Warren Street, from Front Street to the 300 block. Those who have seen the north side of the street are encouraged to come back and see the south side of the street.

The exhibition continues at 243 Warren Street through the end of the month. It can be viewed from noon to 5:00 p.m. every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday and by appointment. Call 518 828-1785 to arrange a viewing. A closing reception is planned for Friday, May 31, from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.

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