Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Happening Tonight

The only city meeting this week takes place tonight: a special meeting of the Common Council. At the Council meeting last Tuesday, it was determined a special meeting was needed to consider a resolution in support of a grant application to carry out the first step in implementing the climate adaptive design proposed for Henry Hudson Riverfront Park. 

In a presentation made to the Council on Tuesday, Wendy Andringa of Assemblage Landscape Architecture, explained that the grant would be for $200,000 and would require a $75,000 match from the City. The money will be spent for site investigations, sampling, and Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) and Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) permitting, along with preparation of design and engineering construction documents, specifications, and bid documents for the redesign of the area of the park now known as "Rick's Point."  

The plan involves transforming what today is essentially a parking lot into a climate resilient park with boardwalks, water access points, a natural play area, and a shoreline pier--all to be accessed on foot.

In addition to the resolution supporting the grant application, there are four other things on the agenda:
  • A resolution naming The Bank of Greene County as the depository of City funds 
  • A revised resolution--revised to strengthen it and make it clear it is a statement from the City--supporting the healthcare workers in their negotiations with Columbia Memorial Health 
  • A resolution amending and supplementing the bond for implementing the Hudson Connects improvements
  • A resolution accepting $15,000 from Hudson Community Development and Planning Agency (HCPDA) to support the activities of the CDBG (Community Development Block Grant) low- and moderate- income housing rehab project
The special meeting of the Common Council, which begins at 6:00 p.m., is a hybrid, taking place in person at City Hall and on Microsoft Teams. Click here for the link to join the meeting remotely.

1 comment:

  1. $275K investigations, sampling, and Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) and Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) permitting, along with preparation of design and engineering construction documents, specifications, and bid documents for the redesign of the area of the park now known as "Rick's Point." Again I say, the best gig in Hudson is being a consultant. I'm wasting my time.
