Monday, May 20, 2024

Community Dinners Return at Camphill Hudson

Thanks to generous funding from the Berkshire Taconic Foundation's "Fresh and Healthy Food for All in Columbia County" fund, Camphill Hudson's free community dinners will now be held on the first and third Tuesday of each month for the remainder of 2024. The first community dinner will be on Tuesday, May 21, with a meal prepared by an Ecuadorian cook. The dinners will be served at 5:30 p.m. at 360 Warren Street.

The dinners, which are open to all, will feature fresh, locally sourced ingredients. Freewill donations are appreciated. Several more international meals are planned throughout the rest of the year. 

Follow Camphill Hudson on Facebook or Instagram to stay informed about the international meal offerings and to get notifications of any cancellations made necessary by extenuating circumstances. If you are interested in volunteering to help prepare or clean up after Camphill Hudson's community dinners, please contact

Camphill Hudson is a community of people with differing abilities working to build healthy social relationships and striving toward personal and social healing and caring for the earth.

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