Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Beautification at the Entrance to Cedar Park

In March, Gossips reported that the Conservation Advisory Council was planning to improve the "landscaping" at the entrance to Cedar Park Cemetery. (Landscaping is in quotes because this is what has graced the entrance to Hudson's burying ground since 2019.)

This morning, the sewer pipe planters were removed, and the boulder was repositioned to make way for new plantings in the triangular traffic island.

Photo: Arone Dyer
Photo: Rich Volo

Here is what the CAC is planning for the landscaping at the entrance. Since this design was created, it was decided to plant a serviceberry tree instead of a crabapple tree.

Thanks to Arone Dyer, who serves on the CAC and is spearheading the project, and Rich Volo, who chairs the CAC and persuaded the group to take on this project, for providing Gossips with the pictures and news of the project's status.

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