Thursday, May 16, 2024

Tonight at City Hall

Today, the following notice appeared on Instagram. 

It should be noted that the hearing is not actually about the Hudson Housing Authority's redevelopment plan, it is about the City's application for a Restore New York grant on behalf of the HHA redevelopment project. Given the guidelines for the Restore New York Grant Program, if the City were to receive the grant, the funding would have to be used for the demolition of Bliss Towers and Columbia Apartments. The maximum amount that can be received in Restore NY funding is $2 million. The redevelopment project is expected to cost $220 million.

Those opposed to the City using its single Restore NY application opportunity for the HHA project are concerned that support for the grant application will be used as evidence that the residents of Hudson are in favor of the overall project--a project that will more than double the number of units managed by HHA and a project whose plans have been assiduously kept from the public until just recently. A statement made by Jeffrey Dodson, executive director of HHA, after the Common Council passed a resolution in support of the grant application seems to validate that concern. Dodson told the Register-Star, "I'm excited the measure passed. This is a strong and clear decision to support us (the housing authority) with the 9-2 vote."

The hearing tonight takes place at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall, and it will be in person only. Gossips has learned that those who wish to comment will be asked to sign up and their comments will be limited to three minutes.

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