Thursday, August 8, 2024

A Study Long Overdue

At yesterday's meeting of the Hudson Industrial Development Agency (IDA), Mike Tucker, president and CEO of Columbia Economic Development Corporation (CEDC), who serves as an adviser to the IDA, told the members of the IDA about a study to be undertaken with Hudson Valley Pattern for Progress. The study, as Tucker explained it, will count the number of existing rental units in Hudson and the rent or level of affordability of those units, and it will also consider the number of units at various points "in the pipeline" and the income levels they target. 

The proposed study is described as "a fresh look at the need for housing in the City of Hudson and the contents of the development pipeline that would bring new homes to the city. [It] would update socioeconomic and housing data for Hudson, examine current proposals before the city’s land-use boards, and understand the scope of proposals that are likely to be submitted soon." The purpose of the study is "to provide evidence-based recommendations that might help the City of Hudson continue to focus its policies and energy on housing proposals that would help to meet the needs of its current residents."

The intention is that the study will encourage balanced development in Hudson and prevent overbuilding of housing targeted at any particular income level.


  1. Let me be the first to say that this sounds like solid thinking. Let's stop all the "affordable housing" talk and figure out what housing Hudson needs. "Encourage balanced development" sounds smart. "Prevent overbuilding" sounds completely directed at the Bliss Towers project. Never been a huge fan of the IDA, but maybe this is worth listening to.

  2. It’s not just a “fresh look” by the IDA at the need for housing in Hudson; it is, as far a I can tell, a first look. In Hudson we have lots of projects in the pipeline, most notably the 300 units proposed by HHA, the Depot District, and the Parkwood project. I have not heard anything in online discussions or public meetings to Indicate that there has been any analysis of the amount and type housing demand in the Hudson housing market. There sems to be only a general belief that “the need is so great,” and “if we build it, they will come.” That’s just not good enough.

  3. Thank you, Carole.
    Who is initiating and paying for this study?

  4. How will they gather information about rents?
