Sunday, August 4, 2024

History and Beauty at Risk

The following headline appeared last week in the Register-Star: "Report: 34 Columbia County bridges rated as poor." One of the thirty-four bridges is the 125-year old iron truss bridge that is part of the Stuyvesant Falls Mill District, a National Register Historic District. The bridge is beautiful, historically significant, and beloved by many, but, according to the article, the county is "in the middle of designing" a new bridge to replace it.

On Thursday, August 8, at 6:00 p.m., there is to be a public information meeting about the plans to replace this historic structure with something that has been described as "an ugly piece of concrete." The announcement of the meeting on the Town of Stuyvesant website contains this information:
The purpose of the meeting is to obtain comments on the proposed project from individuals, groups, officials and local agencies. The County is specifically soliciting comments on the development of alternates for the project and comments on the project's social, economic and environmental effects. This public information meeting is part of the continuing efforts by the County, the NYS DOT, and the Federal Highway Administration to encourage public input into the development of transportation projects.
In 2014, an Existing Conditions Inspection and Alternatives Assessment Report was done on the Stuyvesant Falls Bridge. Among other things, the report made recommendations for repairs and maintenance to the bridge which have not been pursued. The meeting on Thursday seems an appropriate time for those advocating to the preservation of the historic bridge to speak out. The meeting takes place at 6:00 p.m. at Stuyvesant Town Hall, 5 Sunset Drive, in Stuyvesant.

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