Tuesday, August 20, 2024

No Gain Without Loss

A perusal of the schedule for the DRI (Downtown Revitalization Initiative) project now known as being called "Hudson Streetscapes" reveals that every part of the project involves tree removal.

We've been assured that new trees will be planted, but in the meantime, we are losing many mature trees. A tree near the corner of Warren and Second streets came down yesterday.

Photo: Kim Bach
It is not known how long that tree had been there. It may have been planted soon after the brick pavers on Warren Street were replaced with cement sidewalks at the beginning of the 21st century. It may have been planted as long ago as Urban Renewal, back in the early 1970s. The picture below shows the tree as it was in 2014, already then a mature tree. 

But whenever it was planted, it's gone now.



  1. 2 very tall and healthy-looking trees on Front Street near the bridge were removed yesterday, with more to be felled. Even the stumps reveal what were likely healthy trees - not a bit of rot to be seen.

  2. We are replacing beautiful, healthy trees with immature trees that will take decades to grow - makes sense.

    1. If they survive, which is not guaranteed. Then try again..

  3. The project involves widening Front St along its western side, where the trees are being removed. That construction is underway now, below Union St.

    If you live within a block of Front and it hasn't reached you yet, expect noise, dust, and possibly rattling to your home. We are within a block and the rattling is identical to what we experienced in the recent earthquake, but lasting for hours.

    It was scheduled to begin Sep 16, but must've been bumped up.

  4. Carole, Do we know why that particular tree was selected for removal?

    1. If you look at the plans https://cms3.revize.com/revize/hudsonnynew/DRI/Hudson%20Streetscape%20Final%20Plans%20-%20032224.pdf, which admittedly are pretty hard to figure out, you see that there are going to be bump-outs--widened sidewalks--at this intersection. I guess they didn't want to have to work around an existing tree.
