Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Of Interest

For Gossips readers not on Facebook, the Hudson Police Department posted this recruitment appeal on Facebook today. (Click on the image to enlarge.)

For those who might be interested in the opportunity, SeeThroughNY indicates that in 2023 eight of the nine of highest paid City of Hudson employees--those earning more than $100,000 a year--were members of the Hudson Police Department.


  1. Thanks!! This is extremely insightful

  2. Our police chief Mishanda Franklin never talks about staffing issues during her monthly reports to the council, at least not in a serious or detailed manner. It's weird, beyond weird. On Monday, her report lasted less than a minute and half and there was no mention of staffing issues. 6 million dollar budget, not even a two minute report, staffing is fine (and even if there were staffing issues, there's no time to talk about any of it, apparently).
    Responding to council members following her report on Monday, Mishanda spoke at length about a missing sign at the Stewart's intersection and how many accidents took place there last month but absolutely nothing about the serious issue of staffing at HPD that is only worsening and going to continue to worsen. Every PD in America is struggling with recruitment, but you wouldn't know our PD is struggling by listening to a monthly report from our police chief. Best to go on Facebook where the truth can be found so readily.
    Following her equally short report last month, our police chief REFUSED to respond to a question from the public about, as her predecessor called it, COMMAND STRUCTURE ISSUES AT HPD THAT CONFUSE OFFICERS BECAUSE OF AN OUTDATED CHARTER. But every month Mishanda is sure to make the council and the public aware of how often her officers utilized Narcan to save someone from dying of an overdose. Makes perfect sense, doesn't it?
