Friday, August 9, 2024

First News from Today's HPC Meeting

This should bring joy to Bill Huston, whose comment on Gossips' "Ear to the Ground" post on July 30 was longer than the post itself. 

This morning, an application came before the Historic Preservation Commission to remove the metal fence at 342 Warren Street and replace the current awning with a much smaller retractable awning. The building, of course, is the former W. H. Rogers Hose Company No. 2 firehouse, which for more than a decade was the location of American Glory.  

The new awning proposed was described as "comparable to what's at Swoon," the restaurant next door. 

The actions are intended, it was explained, to "free up the sidewalk." Regarding the awning, the HPC was told, "Our goal is to keep the awning closed most of the time . . . and open it when weather permits putting people on the sidewalk."

There is more of interest about this application. It was presented by someone attending the meeting virtually who was identified on screen as Robb Finn. Could this be the same Robb Finn who is/was the executive chef at Backbar across the street? Is this a clue about who will be operating the steak restaurant that, it is rumored, will be opening soon at 342 Warren Street? Time will tell.

1 comment:

  1. Joy, indeed, Carole. And to at least a few others, no doubt!
