Sunday, August 25, 2024

Meetings and Events in the Week Ahead

Here we are, at the beginning of the final week of August. The heavy meeting week of the month is over, and there's very little happening in the week ahead.
  • On Monday, August 26, there was a special Planning Board meeting scheduled, but it's been canceled.
  • On Tuesday, August 27, the Common Council ad hoc Parking Study Committee meets at 6:00 p.m. It's possible the meeting will yield more information about the plan to implement paid parking on all of Warren Street. The meeting is a hybrid, taking place in person at City Hall and on Microsoft Teams. Click here for the link to join the meeting remotely.  
  • On Wednesday, August 28, the final Waterfront Wednesdays for 2024 takes place at Henry Hudson Riverfront Park. The historic racing sloop Eleanor will be there for an evening that spotlights local artists. The events at the waterfront begin at 5:00 p.m. and continue until dusk.
  • Also on Wednesday, August 28, the Common Council ad hoc Truck Route Committee meets at 6:00 p.m. The committee hasn't met for a while, so it's hard to predict what topics might be discussed. The meeting is a hybrid, taking place in person at City Hall and on Microsoft Teams. Click here for the link to join the meeting remotely.
Update: The meeting of the ad hoc Truck Route Committee meeting has been postponed. When it will be rescheduled is not known at this time.


  1. The destructive monster that the truck route has become is far too big for a committee of council members, most of the members with no real interest in doing anything about it. They all see the writing on the wall. Why even bother having meetings, they probably think. The trucks win. We lose. Again.

  2. The Sloop Eleanor's electric propulsion system is not currently functioning and will be sent out for repairs. Regrettably, Eleanor will not be able to take part in this Wednesday's event.
