Monday, April 4, 2016

Waterfront News

The following announcement was just released on the mayor's Facebook page:

Mayor Tiffany Martin Hamilton today announced the re-creation of a Waterfront Advisory Steering Committee. The committee is made up of a cross-section of Hudson residents and waterfront stakeholders and is tasked with aiding the City in overseeing the redevelopment of the waterfront: one of our city's greatest assets. “We have a unique opportunity to develop this amazing resource as a community,” said Hamilton, “and we hope that the creation of this committee will be a first step in this exciting and important process.”
The Waterfront Advisory Steering Committee (WASC) will act as a liaison between the community and city government and the New York State Department of State, revisiting and revising the City’s Local Waterfront Revitalization Program (LWRP), adopted by the Common Council in 2011, with the goal of having the program finally approved at the state and federal government levels. A major part of the committee’s mission will be to gather public input to understand the community’s vision for the waterfront ten years after work on the current LWRP commenced.
The committee will be chaired by Carole Osterink, preservation advocate for Historic Hudson and former First Ward alderman, who served on the original Waterfront Advisory Steering Committee in 2006 and 2007, and is made up of Melissa Auf der Maur, co-founder of Basilica Hudson; Tom DePietro, chair of the Hudson Planning Board; J. R. Heffner, vice president of operations at A. Colarusso & Son; Elsa Leviseur, landscape architect; Sam Merrett, director of the Apollonia Project; Sean Sawyer, president of The Olana Partnership; Peter Spear, of Spear Brand Consulting; Ellen Thurston, former Third Ward alderman and Third Ward supervisor; David Voorhees, director of the Jacob Leisler Institute; Kaya Weidman, co-director of Kite’s Nest; and Nick Zachos, director of the Hudson Sloop Club. 


  1. Attention Waterfront Advisory Steering Committee: the public will defend the inviolability of the SEQR Findings Statement:;/content/Documents/File/821.pdf

    1. The Findings Statement only applies to the existing plan. If the committee intends to give a second look at the entire program, which I've been promised it will, then the public can feel less defensive on behalf of the City's tidal wetlands, and maybe even make a positive contribution for the ecology.

      Sad to say, that would be extremely novel in a place like this. Just so, let's give this effort a try and see if we can't turn things around.

  2. WASC:
    Please keep in mind the S.S. Columbia Project and maintaining a river view for people visiting the park.
    I wish you success.
