Friday, July 15, 2016

Citizens' Police Advisory Committee

It was mentioned in Mayor Tiffany Martin Hamilton's very first press release, when as mayor-elect she announced that she was reappointing Gary Graziano as police commissioner. 
We will be establishing a citizens' advisory/review board. While there is research to be done and details to hash out, I feel confident in sharing that the overarching goals are:
  • to provide full transparency on the department's activities, reviewed monthly by the board;
  • to give citizens a way to provide input--suggestions, complaints, questions, etc.--with assurances that all will be heard and responded to;
  • when issues do arise, to establish and facilitate respectful, two-way dialogue;
  • to keep everyone in the community up to date on what's happening in the police department, including new initiatives, community events, departmental changes, etc.
It was reiterated on May 26, when the mayor held her first "State of the City" town hall meeting.

In today's Register-Star, John Mason reports on the status of the plans for a Citizens' Police Advistory Committee: "Civilian advisory board in development."

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