The fountain, hailed as "an ornament to the City and a monument to Public Spirited Citizens," was added in 1883. On September 11, 1883, the Hudson Evening Register announced: "The beautiful fountain in Public Park is nearly completed and our citizens have enjoyed the sight of 'Venus Rising from the Sea,' exhibiting in the most effective manner the power of our water supply, and proving that it can be put to ornamental as well as useful purposes. . . ."
This little item, however, discovered in the Hudson Evening Register for August 29, 1889, reveals that eleven years after the park was created and six years after the fountain was completed, folks in Hudson were still waiting for the trees to provide shade, for benches to be installed, and for water to flow regularly from the fountain.
Back in the 1800s the park was beautiful with a fountain of Venus, in 2016 we have a fence with high voltage keep out signs and broken up asphalt. That's progress! I guess everyone is so busy staring at their phones they don't see or care about the ruins in their midst.