Thursday, June 8, 2017

The Great War: June 7, 1917

Tuesday, June 5, 1917, was the first registration day for the draft. On June 7, the front page of the Hudson Evening Register reported that 3,264 men between the ages of 21 and 30 in Columbia County had registered. On page five, however, it was acknowledged that not everyone who was supposed to register had in fact registered.
That there were some men in Columbia county in the required age who failed to register for the Federal draft Tuesday, was the inference cast by a member of the County Board of Registration to-day.
These persons, however, did not register because of an unwillingness to aid Uncle Sam, is the belief. Their failure to "sign up" resulted from neglect, absence from the country, illness or meagre information regarding the census.
A number of names have been submitted to Sheriff Kline, it became known, of men believed to have been in the age limits, but who failed to register. It is thought, however, that each one carries a satisfactory explanation.
Persons in Columbia county who failed to register may yet evade arrest by doing do at once before County Clerk Myers here.
"I don't believe there is a man in the county who tried to escape the draft by failing to register, was the sincere assertion of a member of the County Board of Registration to-day. 

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