Monday, February 25, 2019

Planning and Zoning Prep

Back in November, the Common Council passed a resolution creating a Planning and Zoning Special Committee "dedicated to reviewing the City's Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Code, analyzing future development opportunities and obstacles, and recommending a course of action to be taken by the City of Hudson is [sic] an appropriate vehicle to address zoning and planning issues." According to the resolution, this special committee was to "operate and exist until December 31, 2019." Three months after the resolution passed, the committee has yet to meet for the first time, but when it does, it's likely that there will be a lot of conversation about form-based code.

To help prepare readers for this discussion, Gossips recommends this brief paper published by the Form-Based Codes Institute (FBCI): "Form-Based Codes Defined." The drawing below, taken from the document, helps illustrate the difference between conventional zoning and form-based code.

When you check out the document, be sure to watch the video in the upper right of the page.

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