Meetings and Events in the Week Ahead
Take a deep breath and get ready. This week includes some important meetings you will want to attend.
- Today, Monday, August 12, the Common Council Economic Development Committee meets at 6:00 p.m. at City Hall, and at 7:00 p.m., the full Council holds its informal meeting. On the agenda for the latter meeting is the resolution authorizing the development of a dog park on the site of the former Foster Refrigerator plant at North Second and Dock streets.
- On Tuesday, August 13, the DRI Committee is scheduled to meet at 2:30 p.m. at City Hall. It is hoped that at this meeting the committee's choice for the planning and architecture firm for the restoration of Promenade Hill will be made known.
Also on Tuesday, August 13, the Planning Board meets at 6:00 p.m. The meeting takes place at the original City Hall, now known as Hudson Hall or the Hudson Opera House. There are two public hearings scheduled--one on the expansion of the FASNY Museum of Fire Fighting, the other on the installation of "wireless communication equipment" on Bliss Towers--and the public hearing on the proposal to create a self-storage facility at the corner of Oakwood Boulevard and Fairview Avenue will continue. But the main event will be the continuation of the public hearing on the conditional use permits sought by Colarusso for the dock and the haul road through South Bay. A big turnout is expected, so get there early to ensure you get a seat.

- On Wednesday, August 14, the Hudson Housing Authority Board of Commissioners does not meet, despite the fact that the meeting is listed on the City of Hudson's online calendar. With no HHA meeting, everyone is free to go down to the riverfront, hang out with the crew of the Apollonia, and learn what's planned for the Hudson Valley's largest carbon neutral merchant vessel.
- On Thursday, August 15, the Common Council Housing and Transportation Committee meets at 5:00 p.m. Since there is no indication otherwise, it is assumed that this meeting will take place at City Hall. At the last meeting of the Housing and Transportation Committee, the newly enacted tenant protection laws and the possibility of Hudson adopting rent stabilization were discussed. It is expected that the discussion of these topics will continue at Thursday's meeting.

Also on Thursday, August 15, there is a meeting about the potential adaptive reuse of the former John L. Edwards School. This meeting takes place at 6:00 p.m. in the Senior Center on the second floor of the Galvan Armory, 51 North Fifth Street. In February, the Common Council issued an RFP for a feasibility study on the building's potential use as a center for city government offices. In April, Lacey Thaler Reilly Wilson was chosen as the architectural firm to do the feasibility study. On Thursday, LTRW will be holding a public meeting to hear ideas from the community about what could be housed at JLE should the City of Hudson decide to purchase the surplus school building from the Hudson City School District.
Photo: Jonathan Simons |
- On Saturday, August 17, Future Hudson presents another in its series of discussions on civic issues, this one titled "Who Are the Streets For?" Speakers for this session are Mike Lydon, founder of Street Plans Collaborative in New York City; Emily Flynn, Director of Health and Wellness for the City of Kingston; and Lindsay Zefting-Vera, senior engineer with Alta Planning, the group that worked on the Empire State Trail. The discussion will be moderated by Peter Spear, the organizer of Future Hudson and an advocate for Complete Streets in Hudson. The event takes place at 4 p.m. in the Community Room of the Hudson Area Library, 51 North Fifth Street.
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