Thursday, September 12, 2019

How's This for Irony?

Longtime Gossips readers will remember the fate of 900 Columbia Street, the c. 1810 house that was used as a group home by the Mental Health Association. Early in 2011, MHA made known its intention to demolish the house in order to build a new facility on the site.

A campaign to save the early 19th-century Georgian house, launched by Gossips and Historic Hudson and enlisting the aid of the State Historic Preservation Office, failed. There seemed to be hope for the house when, in early May 2012, the Galvan Foundation announced its intention to acquire the house and move it to a vacant lot, owned by the foundation, in the 200 block of Union Street.

Of course, the move never happened. Instead, in the late summer and fall of 2013, the historic house house was "disassembled." Some parts of it ended up being used in the construction of a new house at 215 Union Street. 

I retell this story as a prelude to sharing information provided by a reader about a Georgian mansion, not dissimilar in size and design to 900 Columbia Street although about fifty years older, that is being moved--at this very moment--from Easton, Maryland, to Queenstown, Maryland.  

The house, which was built between 1760 and 1764, will travel six miles through the town of Easton. Then it will be loaded onto a barge and floated fifty miles across the Chesapeake Bay to its new home in Queenstown. Information about the house and the move can be found on a website called Easton House Move. There you will also learn what inspired the title of this post: the 18th-century house that is being moved and preserved is known as the Galloway mansion.


  1. Amazing! It can be done. But, that must be a photo of the back of the house since the front has 5 windows across or are they bricked up somehow?

    1. I think you may be confusing the Maryland house which the new house on Union Street.

  2. Irony needs detail ... can you supply more detail about the building being moved ... who owns it & funding etc.

    1. Presumably it's a different Galloway, ergo: irony.

  3. Do your own leg work,Gossips has enough to do

    1. Since I don't know who you are MAN BITS DOG I can't address your lame comment.
